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For all Military Services.
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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Happy New Year, What the party is over? NO!

What? You thought I would post on the 1’st of the year? Sorry no, I was out enjoying the season with my family, who unfortunately got whacked with  a stomach virus the day before Christmas eve then made its way though the family.  I’m at the tail end of this bug and got nailed yesterday […]

The Rumored AOTC #93 will be taped tonight… If your around join me..

May 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Happy Soon to be Summer everyone! I am finally out of school for the summer!! Yeah.!! And our school was promptly (Kids School) Flooded in the lunch room, so I became the “LUNCH LADY” for Thursday and Friday..  Ahh such is the life of a retired Chief Petty Officer! 🙂 I would not trade it for the […]

Stand By Me…. (Thanks Milblogging)

April 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com media room, Music

I want to thank Milblogging for this Video, he tweeted about it to us.. (Follow Milblogging on Twitter @ twitter.com/milblogging Truly Inspirational.. Enjoy! Tweet