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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Retooling to get Blood to the frontlines.

Retooling blood to front lines Until now, getting blood to front-line casualties under fire has usually meant evacuating them by helicopter, under risky conditions, to a forward medical facility. But a new variant of a GPS-guided parachute system already used in Iraq and Afghanistan could soon save lives by dropping not bombs or bullets, but […]

COLA for Retirements? Teeensy… Weeeensy but yeah..

Wow.. at least it’s something!! Last year we got nothing. 🙂 The cost-of-living adjustment for retirees next year could test the idea if something really is better than nothing. After getting no COLA this year in military and federal civilian retired pay, veterans disability compensation and Social Security because of the weak national economy, congressional […]

Uniform Uniformity?? (Say that 5 times fast wacka wacka wacka!)

This type of article is fun. It gets people seeing red, green, sandy and they just go plain NUTS!! NUTS I SAY!! It seems that Congress wants to mandate our operational uniforms.  (WHO KNEW? ) But first.. I want to show you the 4 services Cammie uniforms, and then I will post the article from […]

BuMed warns of swine flu vaccine hoax message

A bogus report claiming that sailors aboard a ship died from the vaccine for the H1N1 virus has popped up on blogs and in e-mail inboxes in recent weeks. “This is pure fantasy,” said Cmdr. Cappy Surette, a spokesman for the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. The report aims to incite opposition to the […]

Mental health issues rising among vets

The Mental Health Picture does not look good for Vets. From Navytimes.com A new study shows that 106,726 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans within the Veterans Affairs Department health care system have been diagnosed with mental health issues. That’s 37 percent of the 289,328 veterans who have sought care. Of those, 62,979 — or 22 […]

Navy Detailing by NEC not Rate and Paygrade Starting Soon!

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Navy News

From NavyTimes, read whole article here: NEC-based detailing starts next year The way all sailors are assigned to ships and squadrons is set to undergo a massive overhaul. As early as next year, your next job assignment will be based on the special skills you hold — not on your rating and paygrade. The plan, […]

Naval hospitals stress flu prevention

This article is from Navy Times.  It is Pertinent info and I want to get it out to “EVERYONE”.  Folks this is the “REAL DEAL”.  Please take measures to protect you and your family.  Understand though, there have been no casualties here in the States as of yet.  The best treatment for this type of […]

Read the names in the article. Remember who wants to shaft you..

I believe deep down in my heart, that anyone “VOTING” on military issues, must volunteer for a 15 month Deployment to IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN prior to being eligible to vote for us in the military. Get off your asses and see what is really going on.  Go sweat where we sweat, go miss your family […]


December 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Navy News

This info is being provided from NavyTimes. Tough new rules for blue cammies released Sailors hoping for less stringent rules with the new Navy’s new blue and gray cammies might be disappointed. The new Navy Working Uniform will debut around the fleet Dec. 15, when senior leadership, commanding officers and command master chiefs will be […]

Combine Medical, Chaplains, and Legal for all Services? Officer Leadership says “NO”.

Well they have talked about it for years. The “PURPLE” Medical Dept, in essance combining all medical shops of all services and combining them into “1” force.  It has always been “Scuttlebutt”. Until now. Read below, I appreciate the officers saying no, but to see it actually in writing?!?!? In a bullets-or-bonuses debate about financial […]

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