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Monday, March 3, 2025

Corpsman.com is now on Google + !

Greetings everyone.. Brrr… Winter is almost here.. Just wanted to let you know that Corpsman.com now has a presence  on Google +.  You can follow us here: Corpsman.com Google + . Join us. If your wondering what Google + is, picture Facebook without all the Junk, no noise.  Just good gouge. Hope to see you there! D/C […]

Oh Shi-, Help! (Corpsman.com Forums Post)

I am publishing this post as it was asked on our forums.  It’s a good question, and SpykeCOD has received some valuable advice from his shipmates and those who have deployed before him. Here’s the question: Good Afternoon from US Naval Hospital Guam, Today I was pulled into my Chief’s room to be told I’ve […]

I remember every day. Do you? “A Marine, KIA and his family try to get home”

I love my Navy. I love my Marine Corps. I love my Air Force (Yeah I give em a hard time but they deserve it..). I love my Army. I love my Coast Guard. I love all my Reserves that serve in all branches and the Guard. I have been retired and out of the […]

Happy Birthday USMC!! 234 Years Strong!

November 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News


Uniform Uniformity?? (Say that 5 times fast wacka wacka wacka!)

This type of article is fun. It gets people seeing red, green, sandy and they just go plain NUTS!! NUTS I SAY!! It seems that Congress wants to mandate our operational uniforms.  (WHO KNEW? ) But first.. I want to show you the 4 services Cammie uniforms, and then I will post the article from […]


If there is one thing I liked in my 24 years in the Greatest Navy in the world, it was serving with the Marine Corps!! Why?  Well at the time, it used to drive me nuts how by the book they were, there was no Gray area for them. “THE MARADMIN, or MARINE CORPS ORDER […]

Army: 2009 The Year of the NCO

I started writing this article in January, and have been trying to find a way to finish it without coming off as a pompas ass.  Tell me what you think below.-D/C 2009 is the year of the NCO for the United States Army.  I find that admirable. Unfortunately they have a “WONK” writing about it […]

November is Warrior Care Month

October 31, 2008 Army News Service|by Heike Hasenauer WASHINGTON – Beginning Nov. 1, the Army and its sister services will focus attention to one of the Defense Department’s highest priorities – caring for wounded ill, and injured warriors. As directed by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, November has been designated as “Warrior Care Month.” Each […]

Airmen Don’t like Needles.. They are Girly Men…

Airmen most likely to faint under the needle Feeling woozy after your latest round of immunization shots? Then you’re probably a male airman. Ten years of records showed that 2,612 service members passed out cold — and fell down — after a nurse slowly inserted a thin half-inch of steel into their biceps or buttocks. […]

Iraq: U.S. Fighters to be Disarmed???

WTF?? If this is what is going to happen, it is time to get our folks out of that god forsaken crap hole ASAP.  I don’t want any of our folks there if they cannot fire back or carry a weapon. From the AP, Read Below: BAGHDAD — Iraq’s government is grateful to U.S.-allied Sunni […]

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