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Monday, March 10, 2025


You can Download Attack of Da-Chief Episode #40 Here:  AOTC_#40 Remember we will be back next Wednesday night @ 2110 EST, or you can listen to the daily news Mon-Thurs @ 1530 EST. Both can be found on the Corpsman.com Live page. You can also subscribe to both Podcasts on ITUNES Keyword: Corpsman.com Da-Chief Podcast: […]

AOTC to be rescheduled to Thursday night.

Due to feeling a bit under the weather, we will be recording on Thursday night @ 2100 EST. I am feeling a bit under the weather and run down. We will be on live tomorrow night thogh, Dee Dee, 8404 and myself to discuss the last weeks events. I apologize for the inconveinence. Da-Chief This […]

PT.. Good for you… GREAT for me..

September 10, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Entertainment

Hey all!! Sorry for the silence.. I am leaving in a few minutes to go PT at the YMCA up in Kenosha, but when I get back, there will be lots’a Doc Goodness to share here on Corpsman.com. Lot’a new news.. PLUS!! Netcast tonight 2110 EST in the Corpsman.com Live page as well as on […]

So Final Decision… I-PHONE 2.0 and Flip Ultra and here is why…

Well I am buying a I-Phone today.  Here is why… Cost and functionality. One of the reasons I was going to get the Blackberry Bold, Video which can be uploaded to a service. This was turned on its ear on Tuesday when I bought the “FLIP ULTRA”. As you can see it goes for $149.00, […]

Apple I-Phone run by the BoogeyMan…

This comes from our Forums.. (Did you know we had forums?? Just hit the forums link above), from HMC-FMF-PJ.. Enjoy.. Definitley waiting on the Blackberry Bold now.  It is supposed to come out next month. To many issues with the I-Phone.  I now give you the terrific post from HMC-FMF-PJ So how many of you […]