A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Da-Chief is Back.. Here to help

April 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

It’s been a LONG time. I turned Corpsman.com over to the hands of Indy back in 2012 and quite a bit has happened since. Indy right at this moment is finishing up IDC school.  He has just cleared clinicals and has a few more things to clear then will be a GENUINE IDC!  This could […]

Things change, but they stay in the family

In 2004, I was privileged to be given the Corpsman.com domain to work with from a former Doc.  His life’s journey had taken him off to do other things.  It was a gift of a lifetime for me. I love my rate in which I served for 24 years in the GREATEST NAVY in the […]

hospitalcorpsman.org and other updates..

Greetings Mates! Just wanted to touch on a few things.. I spoke with Chief Indy about getting the site (hospitalcorpsman.org) back up.  It essentially became his baby about a year ago. Since then a few things have happened. — I switched servers which fubarred everything up. — Indy moved from Great Lakes to San Antonio […]

Can’t get the Bib’s on the Navy Advancement Website? BIB’s for CPO, and E-6 and Below are all UPDATED here!!

So you want to log in and get your Bib’s off the Navy Advancement website.. You try to log in.. First.. “WHAT’s MY DAMN USER NAME???” OMFG!! What the heck was my 14 Digit PW? I know I wrote it all down here somewhere? What I had to change it after 90 days?  OMG!! I’m […]

Congrats “INDY” Pinned as HMC(SW) Jones

September 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Just had to do this.. Indy is and has been a major asset to our site.  Today he was pinned as a Chief Petty Officer up here in Great Lakes. I wish I could have made it bro, but you look great.. Take a nap now.. 😉 D/C Tweet