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For all Military Services.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Da-Chief is Back.. Here to help

April 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

It’s been a LONG time. I turned Corpsman.com over to the hands of Indy back in 2012 and quite a bit has happened since. Indy right at this moment is finishing up IDC school.  He has just cleared clinicals and has a few more things to clear then will be a GENUINE IDC!  This could […]

Happy Birthday Warrior Healers!

June 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family, Navy News, Our Navy

For 114 years now, the members of our Hospital Corps have voluntarily put themselves before others, dedicating their service performed without regard to consequence, and often at a great cost. I couldn’t ask to belong to a better community – it’s my fervent belief that no other organization prides itself on its history and dignity […]

UpDating the 68Whiskey portion of Corpsman.com This weekend

Greetings fellow Doc’s! I have received updated information for the 68W portion of our site that will be updated this weekend.  One of our valuable Army Doc’s forwarded me the information. I don’t have a time frame for this weekend when it will be up as I received a new Computer this week and have […]

Corpsman.com’s Ready to DOMINATE!!!

That’s right, I have a day job now. I was recently hired at “Crux Creative” in Lake Geneva, WI Things are a bit hectic but are coming under control. Corpsman.com’s front end will be getting a total make over soon.  Goal for launch is by 01 Dec 2011. The Attack of Da-Chief Podcasts will be […]

Happy Memorial Day 2011

Happy Memorial Day 2011. Usually I do a big to-do for these holidays, but for the first time since we have been married, Karen and I went on a family vacation with the kids.  We left on the 17th of May and got back yesterday the 29th from Florida. Yes we did the Disney, Sea […]

Birthday, Shmirthday…Sorry about the Site Hiccup!

February 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Yeesh, You would think I could sleep in on my “45’th” Birthday… NOPE! Revillee was called by 8404 this AM to let me know the site was down.  He was standing over me with a fricken BUGLE yelling, “TO ARM’S TO ARM’S!, THE RED’S HAVE TAKEN THE SITE DOWN!”.. Nope.. I had just swtiched bank’s […]

So you want to be a PA? Listen to AOTC #102 Thursday Night @ 2130 EST!

AOTC #102 will be taped live on Thursday Night @ 2130 EST. We are moving the show to Thursdays, because I don’t have class on Thursdays, and 8404 is free that night as well. I have already taped our interview for the SMOTM (Service Member of the Month) tonight. Congrats to HMC Collier, who has […]

UPDATE: AOTC #101 Taped today (yeah late) at 1400, you can watch it here!

January 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com Netcasts, Corpsman.com News

UPDATE: Pushing to 1400. You can watch as we tape below.  Join in on the chat and ask us questions. Or you can call us @ (847) 693-7887. Oh Yeah.. GO BEARS! 🙂 Watch live video from corpsman_com on Justin.tv Tweet

Happy New Year, What the party is over? NO!

What? You thought I would post on the 1’st of the year? Sorry no, I was out enjoying the season with my family, who unfortunately got whacked with  a stomach virus the day before Christmas eve then made its way though the family.  I’m at the tail end of this bug and got nailed yesterday […]

AOTC#99 “Timpani Roll Please!”

Sorry for the late posting of Episode #99. This was taped in during hour “8” of our 16 hour telethon to support Corpsman.com. The Telethon was a lot of fun, but I don’t think I would tape a episode like this again in the middle of the extravaganza.. It is a lot of work and […]

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