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Friday, December 27, 2024

MMO Weekly Report Nov 11th 2010 Video

I don’t know why but for some reason videos are able to be displayed on Corpsman.com when folks are deployed overseas that won’t play on other web pages.. Someone suggested I put embedded videos on our site so they can view them from Iraq and Afghanistan. We are happy to oblige. If a page offers […]

No News is good news? Slow news day?? You got anything?

November 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I have been perusing.. On days like today, it would be good if some of our users who might have a morsel could feed us a story or 2.. If you have something please email me @ admin1@corpsman.com . Or hit me on up twitter  http://twitter.com/corpsman_com . Gads.. Tweet

President Obama awards Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor –VIDEO

Thanks to MSNBC for the Video. Tweet

Army Spc. Shannon Chihuahua (Medic) KIA 12 November 2010 in Afghanistan

November 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Army News, Corpsman.com News

It is with regret to hear of another fallen medic. We at Corpsman.com extend our heartfelt condolences and prayers to the Chihuahua family, friends, and fellow Soldiers. Words cannot adequately describe the loss, a medic feels upon hearing the news of a fallen medic. Army Specialist Shannon Chihuahua, paid the ultimate sacrifice and will never […]

President Obama awards Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor 2:00PM EST on Corpsman.com

SSGT, Salvatore Giunta US Army, will be awarded the Medal of Honor today at 2:00 PM EST. You can watch it here on Corpsman.com below. SSGT Giunta is the first living recipient of our Nations highest award to receive the MOH since Vietnam. Congratulations from Corpsman.com to SST Giunta. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT VISIT WHITEHOUSE.GOV […]

Special Holiday Memories? Share them with us.. Corpsman.com

I love my Military, all services, brothers sisters, everyone.. Even the Knuckleheads..  🙂 An idea came to me this morning and I need some assistance from you the corpsman.com readers. Do you have a story or a special memory from the holiday season during your time in the service? If your a family member and […]

AOTC #96 Holidaze, Tech crazy stuff, Deals, Deals, Deals, Monday Night 2130 EST.

November 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Thats right Corpsman.com is back on the air Monday night.. What I need from you.. Please send a barrage.. is email me at admin1@corpsman.com, or tweet us at http://twitter.com/corpsman_com with any and all question you might have, I will answer them on the air. I will also be reviewing a few techy things that you […]

Most Visitors in 1 day ever on Corpsman.com, Veterans Day 2010

Thank you. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!! We had our most traffic ever for 1 day on Corpsman.com yesterday.  Between the front page, the forums and Hospital Corpsman.org, we had over 25K visitors yesterday.  So much so it knocked our server offline around 1200.  Lucky for me I was monitoring the site. While I […]

AOTC #96 Re-scheduled to Monday Night Due to 96 hour liberty.

November 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Heh.. I am glad most of my shipmates and brothers in arms are on a 96 hour liberty pass for this weekend. What I thought would be a great idea to do the show tonight, I re-thought and will do on Monday Night instead. If you have any questions you want answered on the show, […]

In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. ~José Narosky “Veterans Day 2010”

All those who know me know I struggle to put pen to paper on these holidays. Is Veterans Day a celebration, or a remembrance? I understand that Memorial Day is for remembering those we lost during combat or doing our Nations job in training. Those who are most forgotten though, are those who did the job, […]

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