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For all Military Services.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Corpsman.com is now on Google + !

Greetings everyone.. Brrr… Winter is almost here.. Just wanted to let you know that Corpsman.com now has a presence  on Google +.  You can follow us here: Corpsman.com Google + . Join us. If your wondering what Google + is, picture Facebook without all the Junk, no noise.  Just good gouge. Hope to see you there! D/C […]

68Whiskey Page has been Updated

We have updated the information for 68Whiskey’s on our site. Goto: http://www.corpsman.com/history/army-68w-68-whiskey-army-combat-medic/  to view the information.. Thanks go to “SB TUCKER” who provided it to us.  He serves as a 68W.   Tweet

UpDating the 68Whiskey portion of Corpsman.com This weekend

Greetings fellow Doc’s! I have received updated information for the 68W portion of our site that will be updated this weekend.  One of our valuable Army Doc’s forwarded me the information. I don’t have a time frame for this weekend when it will be up as I received a new Computer this week and have […]

Spc. Mark J. Downer US ARMY KIA AFGHANISTAN 05 Aug 2011

Corpsman.com’s heart and prayers go out to SPC Downer’s Family, friends, fellow Soldiers.. A U.S. Army combat medic from Warner Robins died after insurgents attacked in Afghanistan, the U.S. Department of Defense announced Saturday. Spc. Mark J. Downer, 23, died Friday of his wounds in Kandahar province. He had been injured when his unit was […]

2 Army Medics KIA In IRAQ, Sgt. Emilio Campo Jr, Spc. Robert P. Hartwick

We lost 2 Heroes in the attack in Iraq earlier this week. It has been a while since we have lost “ANYONE” in this godforsaken land, but to lose 2 Doc’s in one attack, hits all of us hard. Sometimes I wish we could evac everyone out in these 2 places and drop a glass […]

President Obama awards Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor –VIDEO

Thanks to MSNBC for the Video. Tweet

President Obama awards Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor 2:00PM EST on Corpsman.com

SSGT, Salvatore Giunta US Army, will be awarded the Medal of Honor today at 2:00 PM EST. You can watch it here on Corpsman.com below. SSGT Giunta is the first living recipient of our Nations highest award to receive the MOH since Vietnam. Congratulations from Corpsman.com to SST Giunta. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT VISIT WHITEHOUSE.GOV […]

We are looking for a few good Women and Men.. To write for our site.

October 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I just realized that I have been asking for help from contributers for our site via email or on our Podcast, but never on here, the face of Corpsman.com. What an oversight.. I mean a real humdinger. So to rectify this, I am putting out the word. Are you the Uniform police? Are you the […]

TRAIN OUR JUNIOR DOC’S! Don’t stick em in ADMIN Positions! SOAPBOX TIME!

Out of the Woodwork came Doc’s from all over to help one Deploying Doc, Thank you! Thanks to all who heard the call yesterday and came on our forums or left comments for the Doc who just found out he was deploying to Afghanistan. It’s not that he was scared of the deployment for himself, […]

Uniform Uniformity?? (Say that 5 times fast wacka wacka wacka!)

This type of article is fun. It gets people seeing red, green, sandy and they just go plain NUTS!! NUTS I SAY!! It seems that Congress wants to mandate our operational uniforms.  (WHO KNEW? ) But first.. I want to show you the 4 services Cammie uniforms, and then I will post the article from […]

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