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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

68Whiskey Page has been Updated

We have updated the information for 68Whiskey’s on our site. Goto: http://www.corpsman.com/history/army-68w-68-whiskey-army-combat-medic/  to view the information.. Thanks go to “SB TUCKER” who provided it to us.  He serves as a 68W.   Tweet

Army SNCO Advance Numbers for November 2008

The November promotion plan released in mid-Octo­ber will complete the 2007 sergeant major list, clearing the way for promotions to begin on the 2008 roster in December. All total, there will be 6,183 promotions Nov. 1, which is about 1,600 fewer than October, but still the second-highest monthly total this year. The November promotion plan […]

Army promotion selections coming soon!

August 18, 2008 by  
Filed under Army News, Military Information

NCO, officer selection lists coming soon Selection lists containing the names of noncommissioned officers and officers recommended for appointment to command sergeant major and promotion to sergeant major and major have been prepositioned with senior commanders and will be released before the end of August. Results of the 2008 active-component command sergeant major and sergeant […]

US Army Enlisted Cutoff Scores for August 2008.

Congrats on those who are being promoted. Word 1997-2003 File is here: army-august-cutoff-scores Word 2007 file is here: army-august-cutoff-scores Once again Congrats! Tweet