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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Recruit Training – Night of Arrival and P-days

When you arrive at RTC, you will begin processing by turning in your orders. Following a phone call home, you will be required to provide a urine sample for drug testing. You’ll later receive complete medical and dental examinations (women will receive a pregnancy test), and any necessary dental work will be scheduled.

Your first day at RTC is called Night of Arrival. This is when you will begin your orientation, learn the basic routine and go through preliminary processing. At this time you will be issued the following items: PT Gear (shorts, T-shirts, Navy sweats), basic training materials, sea bag, hygiene items, combination lock, notebook, writing materials, sewing kit, shoe shine kit, towel, laundry and garment bags, shower shoes, and athletic shoes. Males will also receive underwear. The cost of this items will be deducted from your first paycheck.

Your first few days at RTC are called P-Days (processing days). The amount of time you spend in P-Days can vary anywhere from three to 10 days. Processing days do not count toward your training time at RTC. The countdown to graduation does not begin until the first day of training which is called the One-One (1-1) Day. This stands for the first day of the first week of training. The Two-Four (2-4) day would be the second week, fourth day of training, etc.

During in-processing, you’ll also be asked if all the information you’ve provided to recruiting personnel is completely honest and open. Known as “The Moment of Truth,” this will be your final opportunity to disclose any information that could affect your qualifications for enlistment.

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Source: http://www.cnrc.navy.mil/DEP/noa.htm