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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Corpsman.com LIVE tonight #36 Attack of Da-Chief

Ok so you have nothing to do tonight.. It’s Wednesday after all, no football, Pro or College..your sitting at home picking the lint out from your toes….


How about some excitement.. How about listening and getting involved in the taping of our “LIVE” Attack of Da-Chief Netcast?
You can do it tonight, 2110-TBD at 1 of 2 places..


You can click the link above ^ Corpsman.com Live then listen on the Talkshoe plugin..


Go Click this link” TALKSHOE ” And it will bring you to our Talkshoe page for Corpsman.com.  It will also allow you to call in while we are taping live.

Say you don’t have the time tonight but you have a recruiting question.. Well we have that covered as well..

Call 1(847) 693-7887 and leave a Voice Mail message on our Corpsman.com Line. We will answer your questions during the show.  Make sure you identify yourself as well.

Understand as with every live show..There can be hiccups and mistakes, usually after we finish recording, I clean up the sound on a mixer then re-upload the clean version which you can download via “RSS” Here: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/rss41837.xml  .

You can also get the NETCAST via ITUNES Keyword “Corpsman” and you can subscribe.  ITunes also has our older Netcasts as well in storage if you want to download them.

I hope to hear/See you tonight!!



2 Responses to “Corpsman.com LIVE tonight #36 Attack of Da-Chief”
  1. lisaacevedo says:

    I had the pleasure of working with HM3 Strickland at NHCP for over a year, and of course, we became friends right away. His smile was contagious, his laughter outrageous. Because of him, I got to meet some other really wonder people that I would not have had a chance to meet otherwise. I will never forget him, or the precious moments of friendship that we shared.
    Thank You HM3 Strickland

  2. lisaacevedo says:

    I had the pleasure of working with HM3 Strickland at NHCP for over a year, and of course, we became friends right away. His smile was contagious, his laughter outrageous. Because of him, I got to meet some other really wonder people that I would not have had a chance to meet otherwise. I will never forget him, or the precious moments of friendship that we shared.
    Thank You HM3 Strickland