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Friday, March 28, 2025

115 years young!

Happy Birthday to all those in the Hospital Corps – today marks our 115th Birthday and hopefully everyone had a chance to celebrate. As we continue to make new strides forging our future, let us not forget those who came before us and shared their knowledge and wisdom in order for us to be successful. […]

Happy Birthday!

Happy 120th Birthday to the CPO community! Your legacy of 120 years of true pride and tradition is strong, and will continue to reflect the proud traditions of our Navy heritage for many years to come. Congratulations! Tweet

Happy Birthday Warrior Healers!

June 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family, Navy News, Our Navy

For 114 years now, the members of our Hospital Corps have voluntarily put themselves before others, dedicating their service performed without regard to consequence, and often at a great cost. I couldn’t ask to belong to a better community – it’s my fervent belief that no other organization prides itself on its history and dignity […]

HN(FMF) Matthew Dishmon (3/6) awarded Bronze Star

HN (FMF) Matthew Dishmon (3/6) was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat Distinguishing Device this afternoon for his actions in Marjah, Afghnaistan on 1 July 2010. Despite the presence of acurate enemy fire, HN Dishmon retrieved the fallen Marine who had been struck by gunfire and worked for 40 minutes in complete darkness, administering bandages, […]

1st Annual Corpsman.com Telethon Wednesday 1000 till 0200 Thursday CST (08 Dec-09Dec), come watch and support our site!

You ever see the “CRAZY EDDIE” commercials? Ever see one of those crazy Infomercials? Well I will now be lumped into that category as I will do anything to support our site. Starting tomorrow at 1000 CST, I will be filming live until 0200 CST on Thursday. I will take requests, I will study with you […]

AMTRAK Helping Active Duty Military and Families save some $$ ALL ABOARD!!

AMTRAK CELEBRATES INDEPENDENCE DAY WITH ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY Additional 10 percent off travel from coast-to-coast WASHINGTON – Amtrak is honoring the dedication of the nation’s military this Independence Day with an additional discount for those who serve. Members of the military will receive an additional 10 percent discount on tickets purchased […]

You had better get your stuff in order, Perform or get out! NAVADMIN 210/10

Annnndd… the Navy is trying to save money again.. I can’t say I don’t agree with this, I do.  If your a habitual under-performer, can’t carry a weapon, can’t get re-classified etc.. you should get out.  There are to many people trying to get in the Navy who have a better attitude or can do […]

All Hands 2009 Navy Owners Manual

I always looked forward to this publication every year. You want to know what is happening with “YOUR” Navy? You looking to find out info for “BOARDS” for JSOQ, or SOQ? This PDF file is the one to have.  If you lose it, we will have it stored on our server so you can always […]

Navy “Link” Winter editon

If your wanting the most current info from the navy about advancement, PCS and just unit info.. This is the mag to read.  It has all kinds of info you should have in your “Chest” for knowlege needed. You can download it here: Winter Edition Navy Link Magazine. Educate yourself on what is going on! […]

CPO’s are Born Today!!

I was privileged today to attend the pinning ceremony of our newest Chief Petty Officers for the Naval Station Great Lakes. Out of 39 who were pinned, 11 were newly minted “HMC’s”. I wish to congratulate all the New Chief Petty Officers and list the HMC’s who were pinned; HMC(SW/AW) Julie Arp HMC(FMF) Donald Dumas […]

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