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Saturday, March 15, 2025

AOTC #68 Final “Goodbye to those we Lost..”

AOTC #68 is Done!!! Even while sick I was able to crank this baby out on Sunday.  BIG THANKS, to 8404 for doing the news for me. I can say without a doubt without 8404, Iny, and Doc_D‘s help this show would not have been done!! Thanks guys! In this episode we say goodbye to: […]

Sponsor a AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) Netcast/Podcast for 1/2 Price!

25 June 2009 Some of our users have inquired on how to Sponsor a Netcast/Podcast. It’s EASY! Usually sponsoring a show costs $50.00 per show.  But for now, beggars can’t be choosers.. 😉 For this week only if you wish to sponsor a show, and you donate $25.00 to our site, You will get a […]

AOTC #67 Final, “What Season is this?”

We recorded AOTC #67 this AM.  It went off without a hitch! If you listen to the whole thing, I actually kept the after conversation between 8404 and myself as well. Remember our new time for Taping is on Sundays @ 1115 EST.  You can download the recording usually on Monday or late Sunday Night. […]

AOTC #66 The First Bionic Podcast…

Due to Gremlins (I.e My Kids) the episode will be released a day late. For this we apologize.  To say the show went up in smoke last night is a understatement. AOTC #66 Podcast, A netcast barely alive Gentlemen we can rebuild it.. We have the Technology.. We have the capability to make the world’s  […]

AOTC #64 “Mea-Culpa” Final

Gremlins.. Gremlins I tell you!! For 2 weeks straight the Netcasting GODS have been against me! Put I slug on, ever hoping that this weeks show (Wednesday Night @ 2115 EST) will be better. If it could go wrong last week, it did, Video, Audio etc.  But we slugged through it. NOTE: We will be […]

AOTC #63 “Man Overboard” Final

Sorry for the delay, but better late then never is my moto!! The title fits in that 8404 was otherwise detained during this Netcast and I had to unexpectedly fly solo! This really screws with me as I try to do a show for 50 mins to 1 hour, this was really short in that […]

AOTC #64 “Mea-Culpa”

Note: The Show was taped last night 21 May 2009.  I will be uploading the Netcast up this PM.  We had issues with USTREAM and will be going back to STICKAM next week on Wednesday night.–D/C I am posting the links of the stories we will be going over tonight ahead of time for our […]

UPDATE: No AOTC This week Either!!

There will be no “ATTACK OF DA-CHIEF” this week.  My daughter is having her first communion (Roman Catholic Ceremony), this weekend, and we are having guests over from out of town. As you can imagine, the Admiral has me high-stepping all over the house.  Field Day is the word of the day for the next […]

AOTC #61– Hope you like Chicago until Ocotober–Final

AOTC #61 was taped live last night (15 April 2009) and other then the camera lense being wonky (Which you won’t notice on the audio version!), This had to be our “BEST” show yet! Tonight’s episodes topics: Upcoming Auction to support Corpsman.com, The Auction will be held in the Summer.  This will be a Annual […]

Commissioning program info on AOTC#58 “FINAL”

March 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com Netcasts, Ships Library

Attack of Da-Chief #58 is up and final. Sorry for the delay our .xml file was/is corrupt on Talkshoe, found a workaround though.-Dc Now you can watch it here as well: Or you can download it here: AOTC #58 Supporting Doc’s for tonights show can be downloaded here:commissioning-programs-in-navy-medicine If you have any questions email us […]

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