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Monday, March 3, 2025

Combine Medical, Chaplains, and Legal for all Services? Officer Leadership says “NO”.

Well they have talked about it for years. The “PURPLE” Medical Dept, in essance combining all medical shops of all services and combining them into “1” force.  It has always been “Scuttlebutt”. Until now. Read below, I appreciate the officers saying no, but to see it actually in writing?!?!? In a bullets-or-bonuses debate about financial […]

What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

Per Wikipedia this is the definition they give: Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, at the end of the harvest season, is an annual American Federal holiday to express thanks for one’s material and spiritual possessions. The period from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day often is called the holiday […]

Happy Birthday USMC!!

Happy Birthday Marines! From: Corpsman.com Tweet

Veterans Day Specials for Eating out

This is an old post, Please link to this years current specials.. http://www.corpsman.com/2010/11/veterans-day-specials-for-eating-out-updated-10-nov-2010/ Enjoy! D/C Tweet

November is Warrior Care Month

October 31, 2008 Army News Service|by Heike Hasenauer WASHINGTON – Beginning Nov. 1, the Army and its sister services will focus attention to one of the Defense Department’s highest priorities – caring for wounded ill, and injured warriors. As directed by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, November has been designated as “Warrior Care Month.” Each […]


Illinois senator to become first African-American executive in U.S. history Barack Obama, a 47-year-old first-term senator from Illinois, shattered more than 200 years of history Tuesday night by winning election as the first African-American president in the history of the United States, according to projections by NBC News. Obama reached the 270 electoral votes he […]

Airmen Don’t like Needles.. They are Girly Men…

Airmen most likely to faint under the needle Feeling woozy after your latest round of immunization shots? Then you’re probably a male airman. Ten years of records showed that 2,612 service members passed out cold — and fell down — after a nurse slowly inserted a thin half-inch of steel into their biceps or buttocks. […]

CY 2009 Reserve Enlisted Drill Pay Schedule

This is the “RESERVE DRILL” Schedule. Tweet

CY 2009 Active Duty Enlisted Pay Scale with 3.9% increase.

Listed below is the Calendar Year 2009 Enlisted “BASE” pay scale. Remember this is for Active Duty! Tweet

Navy Corpsman enshrined on Spec-Ops wall

Navy Corpsman enshrined on Spec-Ops wall FORT BRAGG, N.C. — A Navy corpsman has been honored by having his name added to a memorial wall at the special operations medical center at Fort Bragg. Petty Officer 2nd Class Charles “Luke” Milam was fatally wounded in combat in 2007 while with the 2nd Marine Special Operations […]

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