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Sunday, March 2, 2025

*Silver Star* FMF Doc saves 17!

This was written by “TheOneCalledDoc” in our Forums, he said it best, so with his permission, we are using it for the story. HM2 Joshua Simson I salute you! HM2 Simson was involved in a 7 hour firefight in Afghanistan around 2 summers ago. In those 7 hours Petty Officer Simson not only fought along […]

2010 Pay Raise Proposal, 2.9% for for Military Members

During this time of cutbacks and layoff’s etc in the private sector, the DOD is itself cutting back on programs, aircraft, ships etc. One thing that won’t be cut back next year at least, the President has proposed a 2.9% pay increase and improved benefits for all Active and Reserve servicemembers. 2.9% doesn’t seem like […]

Army: 2009 The Year of the NCO

I started writing this article in January, and have been trying to find a way to finish it without coming off as a pompas ass.  Tell me what you think below.-D/C 2009 is the year of the NCO for the United States Army.  I find that admirable. Unfortunately they have a “WONK” writing about it […]

Sometimes it just hits home, With HM2 King it did.

I wrote my first article about the tragic accident of HM2 King last Monday.  I also asked that if anyone knew what his warfare designation was to please drop me a line. Drop me a line they have, HM2 was a well respected Petty Officer who loved his Marines, and took care of all those […]

HM2 Andrew J. King RIP, Killed 9 Feb 2009 in a Training Accident, Camp Lejeune, NC

HM2 Andrew J. King was killed in a training accident on the 9th of Feb 2009 at a firing range at Camp Lejeune, NC. Our thoughts and prayers go out to HM2’s family, shipmates, Marines, and friends. HM2  King had made 4 combat tours already in his young career. It shows that our job is […]

Scuttlebutt Forum Chat & Netcast updates

Greetings fellow Doc’s, Vets, Family Members and Recruits! I know there are a lot of new folks on the site of late.  How do I know this? Because in the forums we are getting asked the same questions over and over again. In our forums we have a thousands and I mean THOUSANDS of posts […]

Did you go to Denny’s yesterday?? How was the Experience?

Man.. I missed out… I missed out on the National Holiday announced by Denny’s on the Superbowl broadcast. On February 3rd from 0600-1400, you could eat at Denny’s and get a Free Grand Slam Breakfast. Ohh the HUMANITY!! Make Denny’s “TIME MAGAZINE’s” Person of the year for 2009!! Hey it’s a hard year.. the economy […]

Tijuana off-limits to U.S. Marines & Corpsmen Assigned to Marine Units!

Folks, Understand, if your a Sailor assigned to a Marine Command you fall under their rules and guidelines.  If it is off limits to Marines, it is off limits to “YOU”.  Don’t try to out think the system!! D/C Tijuana off-limits to U.S. Marines By William M. Welch, USA TODAY LOS ANGELES — For tens […]

Riley to build complex for wounded soldiers

This is a associated press article that as posted on Armytimes.com. FORT RILEY, Kan. — With earth movers rumbling outside, officials broke ground Friday on the Army’s first permanent complex devoted to healing wounded soldiers. The $52 million Warrior Transition Complex will replace the temporary, modular buildings that have been in place for more than […]

A Sad Sad Day… One of our own, the Ultimate Betrayal

I was hoping it would be found there as a snafu. I was hoping someone would step up and say we screwed up, he’s “NOT GUILTY”. My hopes were dashed. One of our own plead guilty to falsifying documents etc, and wore a Purple Heart, a award he never was awarded. He was a Navy […]

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