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For all Military Services.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

1st Annual Corpsman.com Telethon Wednesday 1000 till 0200 Thursday CST (08 Dec-09Dec), come watch and support our site!

You ever see the “CRAZY EDDIE” commercials? Ever see one of those crazy Infomercials? Well I will now be lumped into that category as I will do anything to support our site. Starting tomorrow at 1000 CST, I will be filming live until 0200 CST on Thursday. I will take requests, I will study with you […]

New Enlistment Contracts for all Services Please Read!! ;-)

Yeah you might have seen them before but most haven’t ..  and boy do they make me laugh.  Thanks Indy!! This was pulled from our forums. Scuttlebutt Forums U.S. COAST GUARD ENLISTMENT OATH ” I, (State your name), swear to sign away 4 years of my life to the UNITED STATES COAST GUARD because I […]

Stephen Colbert in IRAQ last week supporting the Troops!! BZ!!

Awesome!! Tweet

The Army and it’s Chicken

April 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Humor

Subject: The Army and the Chicken Issue: “Why did the chicken cross the road?” TRADOC: The purpose is to familiarize the chicken with road-crossing procedures. Road-crossing should be performed only between the hours of sunset and sunrise. Solo chickens must have at least three miles of visibility and a safety observer. Special Forces Command : […]

Rob as Sean Connery..

March 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Humor

Ok.. The Joke is.. Rob is DeeDee’s Husband.. He has a funny as all get-out sense of humor..If there was anyone who he reminds me of is Sean Connery.. Enjoy! Tweet

Did you go to Denny’s yesterday?? How was the Experience?

Man.. I missed out… I missed out on the National Holiday announced by Denny’s on the Superbowl broadcast. On February 3rd from 0600-1400, you could eat at Denny’s and get a Free Grand Slam Breakfast. Ohh the HUMANITY!! Make Denny’s “TIME MAGAZINE’s” Person of the year for 2009!! Hey it’s a hard year.. the economy […]

Ok We need some Humor!

January 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Humor

Folks, Ok We have been depressed with the last story.. What we need now is some humor!! Humor I say.. When I was still on Active Duty at NHCS as a Instructor, I would aways show this funny ad before we taught Meds and Math.. One of the funniest Commercials I have ever seen.  And […]

Airmen Don’t like Needles.. They are Girly Men…

Airmen most likely to faint under the needle Feeling woozy after your latest round of immunization shots? Then you’re probably a male airman. Ten years of records showed that 2,612 service members passed out cold — and fell down — after a nurse slowly inserted a thin half-inch of steel into their biceps or buttocks. […]

When you don’t have a “Tent” pole it is always good to perscribe “Viagra”.

November 3, 2008 by  
Filed under Humor

A man fell asleep on the beach. He woke up several hours later and suffered a severe sunburn to his legs and was taken to the closest hospital, which happened to be a U.S. Naval Hospital. His skin had turned a bright red and was very painful and had started to blister. Anything that touched […]

I believe I have seen quite a few Parrot’s children around here!

November 3, 2008 by  
Filed under Humor

A young man with a wild and multi-coloured hairstyle sits next to an old man on a park bench. The old man stares at the young man. “What’s the matter, old man?” says the young man. “Never done anything crazy in your life?” The old man replies: “Yeah. When I was in the Navy, I […]

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