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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

1st Annual Corpsman.com Telethon Wednesday 1000 till 0200 Thursday CST (08 Dec-09Dec), come watch and support our site!

You ever see the “CRAZY EDDIE” commercials? Ever see one of those crazy Infomercials? Well I will now be lumped into that category as I will do anything to support our site. Starting tomorrow at 1000 CST, I will be filming live until 0200 CST on Thursday. I will take requests, I will study with you […]

Verizon, InComm Retailers and the USO Team Up to Provide Free Phone Calls to Active Duty Military Personnel so They Can Stay in Touch With Loved Ones

New York, NY – June 16, 2009 – Verizon, InComm Retailers and the USO are launching an initiative to let Americans demonstrate their appreciation for armed forces personnel serving America worldwide, just in time for the July 4 holiday. From June 22 to July 4, consumer purchases of Verizon Prepaid Long Distance Phone Cards at participating local […]

Holiday Shopping? Holiday Travel? Holiday Food? Holiday DAZE? Talk about it..

Tonight in during our Live Chat in our E-Club Chat room in the Scuttlebutt Forums. DeeDee, CrazyCajun, Myself, and 8404 (If he has recovered from Jet Lag) will be on tonight to help spread the holiday cheer. Want to talk about getting that new XBox 360, or the game for it?  How about the Nintendo […]

Veterans Day Specials for Eating out

This is an old post, Please link to this years current specials.. http://www.corpsman.com/2010/11/veterans-day-specials-for-eating-out-updated-10-nov-2010/ Enjoy! D/C Tweet

Lowe’s, Home Depot offer discounts

November 4, 2008 by  
Filed under Deals and Steals

The Home Depot and Lowe’s, the world’s largest home improvement retailers, once again are offering a 10 percent Veterans Day discount to active-duty service members, reservists, retirees, veterans and their immediate family members. The Lowe’s discount is available Nov. 6 through Nov. 11 on purchases of up to $5,000 in U.S. stores from merchandise in […]

What Phone Part II

First of all I am extremly happy with my I-Phone 3G.  I ended up picking up the 16GB White Version, and I could not be happier.  The only thing that I feel is lacking are 2 things: 1. A Keyboard, I have to type on the screen and I have big fingers.. Kinda hard to […]

So Final Decision… I-PHONE 2.0 and Flip Ultra and here is why…

Well I am buying a I-Phone today.  Here is why… Cost and functionality. One of the reasons I was going to get the Blackberry Bold, Video which can be uploaded to a service. This was turned on its ear on Tuesday when I bought the “FLIP ULTRA”. As you can see it goes for $149.00, […]

Can you feel the “G’s???

Can Someone, “ANYONE” build a phone that works?? Maybe do some QA to make sure a product you are about to release to the wild, or have released the wild “WORKS?”… Apple continues to have problems with the I-PHONE version 2.0 (3G).  Even though you are in area that has a sufficent 3G signal, the […]

Apple I-Phone run by the BoogeyMan…

This comes from our Forums.. (Did you know we had forums?? Just hit the forums link above), from HMC-FMF-PJ.. Enjoy.. Definitley waiting on the Blackberry Bold now.  It is supposed to come out next month. To many issues with the I-Phone.  I now give you the terrific post from HMC-FMF-PJ So how many of you […]

Apple I-Phone Vs. RIM Blackberry Bold .. Take 3 or is it 4 or ….??

ARRRGHHH!!!! I was “THIS CLOSE” to buying a Apple I-Phone this weekend.  I was maybe 3 doors down from the AT&T Store and they had them in stock.  It was a weak moment. We were out to see the new Kevin Costner movie “Swing Vote” Which by the way was a good movie.  But that […]

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