A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Congrats to all who made it!! I am supplying a .pdf link for you to look the names up!! Good Luck! Sept 2012 HM1 Results.  Tweet

Corpsman.com is now on Google + !

Greetings everyone.. Brrr… Winter is almost here.. Just wanted to let you know that Corpsman.com now has a presence  on Google +.  You can follow us here: Corpsman.com Google + . Join us. If your wondering what Google + is, picture Facebook without all the Junk, no noise.  Just good gouge. Hope to see you there! D/C […]

ARMY loses 2 Medical Personel, Staff Sgt. Christopher R. Newman, Lt. Col. David E. Cabrera, KIA, 29 OCT 2011

I come to work in a good mood, then Doc Pardue alerts me to these Hero’s who were lost in Afghanistan to an IED. I’m so damn mad, really mad and sad. It s with a heavy heart that Corpsman.com alerts fellow Doc’s we have lost 2 Doc’s.  One an Officer, LT.COL Cabrera, a medical […]

68Whiskey Page has been Updated

We have updated the information for 68Whiskey’s on our site. Goto: http://www.corpsman.com/history/army-68w-68-whiskey-army-combat-medic/  to view the information.. Thanks go to “SB TUCKER” who provided it to us.  He serves as a 68W.   Tweet

hospitalcorpsman.org and other updates..

Greetings Mates! Just wanted to touch on a few things.. I spoke with Chief Indy about getting the site (hospitalcorpsman.org) back up.  It essentially became his baby about a year ago. Since then a few things have happened. — I switched servers which fubarred everything up. — Indy moved from Great Lakes to San Antonio […]

“Oh Shi..” The rest of the Story…

This is ported over from our Forums at Corpsman.com with permission of the Author, “HN(FMF) – DOC RAH” otherwise known as SpYkeCod.  Thanks Doc!     It’s been over 1 year since I posted this thread and a lot has happened in that year. I’m back from my deployment. Unfortunately I was unable to put […]

It’s Friday and it’s 34 Degree’s outside.. Are you ready for Winter?

WOW! Summer has come and gone, and we are in the middle of Fall.  It feels like Winter is right around the corner. Why am I writing about the seasons?  Am I getting old and just reflecting? Nope. If you have good weather this weekend, you should take a few minutes and make sure your […]

UpDating the 68Whiskey portion of Corpsman.com This weekend

Greetings fellow Doc’s! I have received updated information for the 68W portion of our site that will be updated this weekend.  One of our valuable Army Doc’s forwarded me the information. I don’t have a time frame for this weekend when it will be up as I received a new Computer this week and have […]

Happy Birthday Navy 236 years in a Canoe Club!

We at Corpsman.com want to wish the US Navy Happy Birthday! 236 years strong and still Going!! Happy Birthday Sailors! Tweet

Corpsman.com’s Ready to DOMINATE!!!

That’s right, I have a day job now. I was recently hired at “Crux Creative” in Lake Geneva, WI Things are a bit hectic but are coming under control. Corpsman.com’s front end will be getting a total make over soon.  Goal for launch is by 01 Dec 2011. The Attack of Da-Chief Podcasts will be […]

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