Poor economy drives more troops to re-enlist
December 2, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Air Force News, Army News, Coast Guard News, Corpsman.com News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, National Guard News, Navy News
FORT RILEY, Kan. — Sgt. Ryan Nyhus spent 14 months patrolling the deadly streets of Baghdad, where five members of his platoon were shot and one died. As bad as that was, he would rather go back there than take his chances in this brutal job market. Nyhus re-enlisted last week, and in so doing […]
Holiday Shopping? Holiday Travel? Holiday Food? Holiday DAZE? Talk about it..
December 2, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com media room, Corpsman.com News, Deals and Steals
Tonight in during our Live Chat in our E-Club Chat room in the Scuttlebutt Forums. DeeDee, CrazyCajun, Myself, and 8404 (If he has recovered from Jet Lag) will be on tonight to help spread the holiday cheer. Want to talk about getting that new XBox 360, or the game for it? How about the Nintendo […]
Reserve Advancement List “FINALLY” released to Corpsman.com
November 30, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Doc in the Advancement Box, Navy News
Reserve Advancement list. Congrats to all. HM3 Acevedo George Agblo Isaac Nar Aleman Emilio Ali Wahid Saleh Almond Heather Alvarez John S Amayaalvarado T Anderson Crysta Anderson Eric A Anderson Sam El Anderson Samuel Anderson Willia Anderson-Owens D Angobung Fabian Applegarth Matt Arnachellum Joy Aungst Ely Simo Azua Karen Bean Isiah Jame Bean Victoria M […]
Active / FTS Advancement List “FINALLY” released to Corpsman.com
November 30, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Doc in the Advancement Box, Navy News
HM3(ACTIVE) Aaron Michael J Abad Edwin Igle Abeita Lisa Mar Abery Christoph Abrams Elijah I Academia Arleen Acerosalazar Re Acker Alexia D Adams Christoph Adams Keith Mic Adams Sergio D Adams Wesley T Agaton Charlesd Agbitor Kingsle Agdeppa Edward Ageev Alexey Vi Akers Jonathan Alamillo Vincen Alarcon Arturo Alcaraz Laurie Aldrich Erik An Aldridge James […]
Scuttlebutt Newsletter Nov 2008, Force Master Chief Thanksgiving Message
November 26, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Newsletter, Ships Library
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Please enjoy our November 2008 Scuttlebutt Newsletter. We are also including the Thanksgiving message from the Force Master Chief for the Hospital Corps. Everyone Please stay safe. Da-Chief Tweet
SecDef calls for Congress to mandate that Guard, Reserves have lead in DoD ops in the homeland
November 26, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Air Force News, Army News, Coast Guard News, Corpsman.com News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, National Guard News, Navy News
This is from the Navytimes. Things are changing my friends. How long will TAR/FTS Sailors be relevant? Interesting read… Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates took a giant step Monday toward more tightly blending the active-duty military and reserve components into an “integrated total force,” calling for wide-ranging personnel policy changes, codifying the reserves’ homeland defense […]
Corpsman.com Status: WTF??
November 25, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Coasties.. Lend me your ear!!! We are working through some server issues with our Virtual Private Server. I hope I have nailed the problem this morning. It seems with a upgrade to our software recently, they ran “2” different Server Software on our “1′ Server. This caused system to not have […]
Server Issues
November 25, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
Sorry about the Server going down. We think we might have found the issue, I hope so becuase it is getting looked at for 45.00 a hour! Should be up now! D/C Tweet
Combine Medical, Chaplains, and Legal for all Services? Officer Leadership says “NO”.
November 23, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Air Force News, Army News, Coast Guard News, Corpsman.com News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, National Guard News, Navy News
Well they have talked about it for years. The “PURPLE” Medical Dept, in essance combining all medical shops of all services and combining them into “1” force. It has always been “Scuttlebutt”. Until now. Read below, I appreciate the officers saying no, but to see it actually in writing?!?!? In a bullets-or-bonuses debate about financial […]
Army Hero earns Silver Star
November 21, 2008 by Da-Chief
Filed under Army News, Corpsman.com News
Army Sgt. Gregory S. Ruske is quick to call himself an ordinary soldier, but later this month the Army Reserve will single him out for extraordinary heroism in Afghanistan that earned him the Silver Star medal. Army Sgt. Gregory S. Ruske will become the fourth Army Reservist to receive the Silver Star for heroism demonstrated […]