A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Attack of Da-Chief #49 Tonight

I have a confession… I have had a case of the “YIPS” since the beginning of the year.  I have tried to write but just could not get past the first line.  Sure I have posted some articles or put up some pdf’s for you all, but what I like to do most is write. […]

All Hands 2009 Navy Owners Manual

I always looked forward to this publication every year. You want to know what is happening with “YOUR” Navy? You looking to find out info for “BOARDS” for JSOQ, or SOQ? This PDF file is the one to have.  If you lose it, we will have it stored on our server so you can always […]

Scuttlebutt Chat tonight 2100-2300 EST!

E-Club Chat in the Scuttlebutt forums on Corpsman.com Tuesday Nights from 2100-2300 EST.

Pay Raise Time of year..

From Stars and Stripes: WASHINGTON — Troops worldwide will receive a 3.9 percent pay raise starting on Thursday, but Defense Dept civilian employees working overseas will see only a 2.9 percent bump in their paychecks. Under rules outlined by the White House two weeks ago, all stateside civilian federal workers will receive a pay raise […]

Navy “Link” Winter editon

If your wanting the most current info from the navy about advancement, PCS and just unit info.. This is the mag to read.  It has all kinds of info you should have in your “Chest” for knowlege needed. You can download it here: Winter Edition Navy Link Magazine. Educate yourself on what is going on! […]

Do “YOU” know your Eval System? E-6 and below?

I will be making the change for the new CPO Eval forms in the near future. The Navy Evaluation System Basics No matter your rank, you are subject to being evaluated by your chain of command. This evaluation process begins the day you check in, and can make or break your career and promotion opportunities. […]

Happy New Year Prayer to all my fellow Doc’s, Vets, Famlies and Recruits..

January 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

We want to wish you all a Happy New Year for 2009.  Let 2009 bring Peace to our fighting men and women, and may it bring them home safely to their families and Friends. The Corpsman.com Staff Tweet

Scuttlebutt Newsletter Issue #20 for December 2008. Better Late then Never!

December 30, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Newsletter, Ships Library

T-2 days.. Then it is 2009! WOW! This year has just flown by for me.  It was my first full year being retired from beginning to end.  I really didn’t think there would be much of a learning curve to retirement and all I can say is, BOY WAS I WRONG!! Getting aclimated to the […]

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

We at Corpsman.com would like to wish each and everyone out there a Very Merry Christmas. For those Deployed we are keeping you and your families in our thoughts and prayers. Semper Fi, crazycajun Tweet

Under the weather

December 23, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Happy Holidayze all.. It has been a daze for me the last 2 weeks that is for sure.  Everyone of Da-Chief’s clan has been hit hard by the Winter Crud. Courtney my precocious 7 year old started this whole evolution with a nice case of bronchitis which has gone on now for over a month. […]

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