UPDATE: No AOTC This week Either!!
April 28, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com media room, Corpsman.com Netcasts, Corpsman.com News, Entertainment, Ships Library
There will be no “ATTACK OF DA-CHIEF” this week. My daughter is having her first communion (Roman Catholic Ceremony), this weekend, and we are having guests over from out of town. As you can imagine, the Admiral has me high-stepping all over the house. Field Day is the word of the day for the next […]
Naval hospitals stress flu prevention
April 27, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Air Force News, Army News, Coast Guard News, Corpsman.com News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, National Guard News, Navy Medical Training, Navy News, Recruiting Information
This article is from Navy Times. It is Pertinent info and I want to get it out to “EVERYONE”. Folks this is the “REAL DEAL”. Please take measures to protect you and your family. Understand though, there have been no casualties here in the States as of yet. The best treatment for this type of […]
What happend to AOTC this week?
April 24, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
I have received emails asking “WHAT GIVES?” “Where was AOTC on Wednesday Night?” This makes me go Hmmmmmm….. You see I woke up Wednesday and my family had a Bug, I had to take care of the family, so bright and early (Around 0600 or so) I sent out a email to all the registered […]
ADM. Mullen Not Happy with Taliban Moves in Afghanistan / Pakistan
April 24, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Air Force News, Army News, Coast Guard News, Corpsman.com News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, National Guard News, Navy News
From “AP”. WASHINGTON — The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff said in an interview broadcast Friday that he’s “extremely concerned” about indications the Taliban is moving ever closer to Pakistan’s capital of Islamabad. Pakistani Taliban militants Friday withdrew from Buner, a rural area about 60 miles from the capital, after taking control […]
HMCM (MASTER CHIEF) FY-10 Quota Numbers (Looks Good!)
April 24, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Information, Navy News
We released the numbers for Senior Chief yesterday, well today we have the Active Duty Master Chief Numbers for FY-10. Eligibles: 236 Quotas: 35 Opp: 14.83% FY 09 Opp: 11.17% Well now we know why the numbers went up for Senior Chief! This is a good Omen… As it will reflect as well for HM1’s […]
HMCS Quotas are out for Active Duty FY-10
April 23, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Information, Navy News
Good News! Numbers are up for those Chiefs trying to make HMCS This year. Here’s the breakdown: ELIGIBLE: 983 QUOTAS: 94 Opp- FY10: 9.56% Opp-FY09: 8.05% So what this means is they will be selecting more for Senior Chief this year by a 1 1/2 Percentage Points. This was unexpected as all we have heard […]
Latest Missouri to be christened Dec. 5
April 21, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Information, Navy News
Nice.. The Missouri (BB-63) was a woman of awesome power. CAPT Hawley (FS) USN(RET), was stationed on her when she came out of mothballs years ago during President Regans Admin. He had pic’s of the mighty Guns firing.. It was a scene of pure “POWER”. From Wikipedia: USS Missouri (BB-63) (“Mighty Mo” or “Big Mo“) […]
Want to Help Corpsman.com? Are you a Conservative VET?
April 20, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
Corpsman.com Needs your assistance. Are you politically “CONSERVATIVE” but can base your opinion with “FACTS” not hyperbole from FOX News? Want to have equal opportunity to get your point across without Slinging Mud at the other side..(I.e Me!) Here’s the deal, as most of you know I am more moderate to liberal in my views, […]
AOTC #61– Hope you like Chicago until Ocotober–Final
April 16, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com media room, Corpsman.com Netcasts, Corpsman.com News, Ships Library
AOTC #61 was taped live last night (15 April 2009) and other then the camera lense being wonky (Which you won’t notice on the audio version!), This had to be our “BEST” show yet! Tonight’s episodes topics: Upcoming Auction to support Corpsman.com, The Auction will be held in the Summer. This will be a Annual […]
Corpsman Luke Emch and Matthew Conte Memorial Freeway in Ohio.
April 16, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, Navy News
I received a call today from A Heroes Dad. Wes Emch, HM3 Luke Emch’s (KIA March 02, 2007 in Iraq) father called to give me the news that a stretch of freeway in Ohio had been renamed for his son and HN Matthew Conte (KIA Feb 01, 2007 in Iraq) to ” Corpsman Luke Emch […]