Scuttlebutt Newsletter March-June 2009 Issue #22
July 9, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under News, Newsletter
Download the Scuttlebutt Newsletter here: SCUTTLEBUTT NEWS #22 MARCH-JUNE 2009 It’s here.. You all have waited for it for 3 months.. The Scuttlebutt News for March – June 2009 is now finished. Thanks to DeeDee(Editor) for all her hard work!! Thanks to all who submitted articles for this 30 page Newsletter. Remember “YOU” can […]
Thanks to the following People, and please help support PLEASE READ!!
July 8, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under News, Entertainment, Military Information, Ships Library, Vets Issues
08 July 2009 Happy Wednesday, (Two days Closer to Friday then Monday!) The Bibs are now up and current on While we have had the bibs for sometime on our site, most folks look on as it has traditionally had them. CrazyCajun has been upgraded on his software suite, and is getting […]
Recording AOTC #69 “Your a Grand Ol Flag” Live Sunday @ 1115 EST
July 4, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Netcasts, News, Ships Library
Happy, Post 4th of July Show… News, Banter and more.. Join Da-Chief and 8404 for lively Sunday Discussion. Send us Emails with your questions or discussions to and we will include them in the show! Thanks! Da-Chief Tweet
Happy 4th of July From in Chicago, IL
July 4, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under News
We are located in the suburbs of Chicago, near the Naval Station Great Lakes! Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July Weekend! Da-Chief Tweet
NAVADMIN 188/09 & Navy Working Uniform Now Authorized Off Base
June 30, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, Navy News
Story Number: NNS090626-27 Release Date: 6/26/2009 7:11:00 PM By Senior Chief Mass Communication Specialist (SW/AW) Bill Houlihan, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Public Affairs WASHINGTON (NNS) — The Navy Working Uniform (NWU) is now authorized for wear off-base, during routine stops and at eating establishments during the prescribed workday. In NAVADMIN 188/09, Chief […]
Viper Company in Afghanistan –Video from MSNBC
June 30, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Army News, media room, News, Entertainment, Military Information
WOW! Watch, War truly is hell. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Tweet
AOTC #68 Final “Goodbye to those we Lost..”
June 30, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under media room, Netcasts, News, Entertainment, Ships Library
AOTC #68 is Done!!! Even while sick I was able to crank this baby out on Sunday. BIG THANKS, to 8404 for doing the news for me. I can say without a doubt without 8404, Iny, and Doc_D‘s help this show would not have been done!! Thanks guys! In this episode we say goodbye to: […]
Sponsor a AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) Netcast/Podcast for 1/2 Price!
June 25, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under media room, Netcasts, News, Entertainment, Ships Library
25 June 2009 Some of our users have inquired on how to Sponsor a Netcast/Podcast. It’s EASY! Usually sponsoring a show costs $50.00 per show. But for now, beggars can’t be choosers.. 😉 For this week only if you wish to sponsor a show, and you donate $25.00 to our site, You will get a […]
Quota’s for Chief Petty Officer (CPO) FY10 Active, Reserve & FTS
June 24, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under News, Doc in the Advancement Box, Military Information, Navy News, Ships Library
Good Luck to everyone!! Thanks to HM1 Jones for updating the numbers for Reserve and FTS!! ………………Board Eligible: ECM Selected Quota ECM OPP% ACTIVE: 1248 296 23.72% FTS: 81 20 24.69% RESERVE 177 100 56.49% I hate that the Reserves never put out a finished product like the A/D.. It looks like a Bag of ASS! All […]
AOTC #67 Final, “What Season is this?”
June 21, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under media room, Netcasts, News, Entertainment, Ships Library
We recorded AOTC #67 this AM. It went off without a hitch! If you listen to the whole thing, I actually kept the after conversation between 8404 and myself as well. Remember our new time for Taping is on Sundays @ 1115 EST. You can download the recording usually on Monday or late Sunday Night. […]