We’re Takin a Break for a Few Days…Congrats @Corpsmanmom!
September 2, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
Hey Doc’s, Family Members, Vets, and everyone in-between!!! The Corpsman.com Family is taking a much needed breather for the Labor Day Weekend. We will be back in Action next Wednesday with more news and commentary. There will be no AOTC on Sunday or Scuttlebutt Chat on Tuesday Night. If you have any news, please email […]
More Troops for Afghanistan? Looks like it..
August 31, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
I wonder how the recruiting levels and re-up levels will hold once we really start pumping folks into this war torn region? KABUL — The commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan said in an assessment of the war that a new strategy was needed to fight the Taliban, while NATO officials disclosed […]
Reenlist or Extend? Rules for Extensions to Change This Fall
August 26, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Information, Navy News
The Navy will change the Short Term Extension (STE) policy Oct. 1, affecting obligated service (OBLISERV) rules for enlisted personnel. According to NAVADMIN 242/09, the reason for the change is that the Navy has noticed during the past several years the number of STEs has risen substantially. “The impact of this change is that more […]
Attack of Da-Chief #76 is out!
August 24, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com Netcasts, Corpsman.com News, Ships Library
We taped AOTC #76 yesterday a little bit later then normal. I was lucky to have a weekend with my whole family in one building so I took advantage of the time with them and re-scheduled our taping to later in the afternoon. What you have here is the evidence that 8404, and myself indeed […]
ALERT: AOTC #76 recording time Changed to 1500 EST TODAY!
August 23, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com Netcasts, Corpsman.com News, Ships Library
Due to a commitment with a higher authority, I will be changing the time for the taping of Attack of Da-Chief today to 1500 EST. For those of you who don’t know, my wife is a Nurse and works every weekend, except for this one. We are taking time out to attend church today @ […]
PCS ORDERS UPDATE!!! Get it here!! NAVADMIN 236/09
August 19, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
From NPC: Some Sailors May Experience Compressed PCS Timelines this Fall Release Date: 08/18/2009 By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (AW) LaTunya Howard, Naval Personnel Command Public AffairsMILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) — The Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) released an update in NAVADMIN 236/09 on permanent change of station (PCS) orders indicating that some Sailors set […]
Corpsman.com Chat tonight 2100-2300 EST, thats right “TONIGHT!!”
August 18, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
Corpsman.com Chat going down @ 2100 EST tonight in the Scuttlebutt forums. Once you enter the forums just click the “E-CLUB” chat button and you will be ushered to your seat, all cell phones and flotation devices have to be neutralized before entering please.. Snacks will be issued 20 minutes into the show.. Bring your […]
E-Club Chat in the Scuttlebutt Forums tonight!! 2100 EST!!!
August 11, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
Hope you can make it!! It’s Chat Night tonight in the E-CLUB Chat Room!! Bring your Questions on Orders, Re-Enlistments or whatever.. Bring them at 2115 EST Just hit the E-Club Chat link. http://www.corpsman.com/forum/ Then hit the E-Club Chat button. Join, DeeDee, Indy, SonarMark (A Command Career Counselor Senior Chief) and others who will be […]
AOTC #74 Taped today @ 1015 CST, 1115 EST
August 9, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News
Hope your having a great Sunday Morning!! Just wanted to remind you we are taping AOTC #74 this morning. http://www.corpsman.com/corpsman-com-live.html We will have all 3 hosts onboard, Myself, DeeDee, and 8404. Dee is actually going to be hosting “WITH” me in my house this AM as she is here on a visit. We will be […]
Corpsman KIA: HM3 Anthony C. Garcia KIA 05 Aug 2009 In Afghanistan
August 7, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Air Force News, Army News, Coast Guard News, Corpsman.com News, Marine Corps News, National Guard News, Navy News
I hate these, I really do. Our Hearts and prayers go out to HM3 Garcia’s Family, Friends, and Shipmates. The Associated Press HONOLULU — A Hawaii-based sailor has died in Afghanistan. The Department of Defense announced Thursday that Petty Officer 3rd Class Anthony C. Garcia of Tyndall, Fla., died Wednesday while supporting combat operations in […]