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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Interview & Read the Book “Luminous Base” By: Bruce Williams-Burden

What a honor! On Saturday night, I took time out from cramming for finals and term papers which are due next week, to interview Bruce Williams-Burden, the author of: “Lumious Base: Stories about Corpsmen and Helicopters, Courage and Sacrifice” You can hear the entire interview I taped, this Wednesday Night @ 2130 EST on “Attack of […]

Sel Reserves E-8 & E-9 results released earlier this month.. (Who Knew?)

Ok I am sure I am out of the Navy now. I realize I got out in 2007, but I still was able to have my finger on the pulse as to what was going on. Not this time.. I completely “WHIFFED” on these results being released.. (or some results.) There were “0” Slots open […]

Florida One from Southwest Airlines in 3 minutes or less..

April 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

WOW! Having served with 2 sqaudron’s and loving aviation all my life, this is a awesome clip.. Enjoy! D/C Tweet

Looking for an Old Military Buddy?

Ever wonder where your long lost buddy from BCT went? Looking for that one friend you went on tour with years ago? Why not look for them right now? It is fast and easy with Military.com’s Buddy Finder. Tweet

Marines Bring Angels Home

by LCpl. Khoa Pelczar CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan — Service members who make the ultimate sacrifice while serving in a combat zone are known as Angels. Those troops who lose their lives on the battlefield are brought home so they may be honored and laid to rest. It is the job of the Marines with the […]

Wounded Warrior “BOSS” Asked to Resign..

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon official in charge of the wounded warrior program said Sunday he has been forced to resign, as the military continues to struggle with how best to care for troops injured in combat. Noel Koch said in an e-mail that he was asked to step down by Clifford Stanley, the undersecretary of […]

Numbers a bit down for HMCS for FY11

April 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Navy News

The numbers are a bit down for HMCS (ACTIVE) this year, but overall with folks staying in the NAVY due to the economy, it’s not as bad as it could be. Good Luck to all HMC’s out there hard-charging for HMCS! RATING FY11 Eligibles FY11 QUOTAS FY11 OPP FY10 QUOTAS FY10 OPP HM 1107 102 […]

A Thank you, and an update on the Accident…

April 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

To all the Corpsman.com Readers, Thank you so much for the well wishes for my daughter since her accident. “M” is in a lot of pain as she did indeed fracture her Collarbone, and it is displaced.  (I almost passed out looking at the X-Ray).  We have an appt with Ortho on Thursday to figure […]

OUCH!! No Show tonight, Daughter is in the ER after Bike accident…

April 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Front Breaks locked up.. Do I need to say anymore?  Looks like Fx’ed Collarbone, which she had done before when she was 4.. Gads.. So No SHOW FO’ YOU! (tonight..) Will giv’er a try tomorrow night.. Sorry Tweet

Please help Support Corpsman.com Donate today!!

April 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Users of Corpsman.com, I hate doing this, I wish I was independantly wealthy.  Unfortunately, I’m not. As of the 30th of this month (April, 2010) YPN (Yahoo Publishers) is closing down for advertising.  Really it doesn’t matter anyways as I have hardly gotten any fund generation from it since last November. But I/we are in […]

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