A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
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Monday, March 10, 2025

Telethon to Start today (Wed) at 10:00 AM CST till 0200 CST (Thursday) Call us!

WHAT:  Corpsman.com 1st Annual Telethon to support our site WHEN: Today (WED) from 1000-0200 (Thurs) CST. WHERE:  Here on Corpsman.com, a plug-in or instructions will be available telling you how to watch and join in.. CAN I GET INVOLVED?:  Yes you can.. you can call and leave a message or call in during the show […]

1st Annual Corpsman.com Telethon Wednesday 1000 till 0200 Thursday CST (08 Dec-09Dec), come watch and support our site!

You ever see the “CRAZY EDDIE” commercials? Ever see one of those crazy Infomercials? Well I will now be lumped into that category as I will do anything to support our site. Starting tomorrow at 1000 CST, I will be filming live until 0200 CST on Thursday. I will take requests, I will study with you […]

Thank you to the following Friends of Corpsman.com for donating. Please donate today!

December 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I want to thank the following folks who have donated to our site during the month of December.   We appreciate the support they have given during this our fundraising month. (December.) Thanks to the following: Tamara Sweezy James Walker Earnest Augustine Bryan Fliegel Amy Ury Carol Dial April Weisler Douglas Whalen We need your […]

A Call for support!! We need your Assistance! Please Help!

December 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Folks we need an “ASSIST” from YOU! Tis’ the month of December.  This is the month that we ask for your support, donations to Corpsman.com. This is the month where we outwardly ask for your help in supporting the site that has: over 1,426 members in our forums Updated Bibs which are much easier then […]

Can’t get the Bib’s on the Navy Advancement Website? BIB’s for CPO, and E-6 and Below are all UPDATED here!!

So you want to log in and get your Bib’s off the Navy Advancement website.. You try to log in.. First.. “WHAT’s MY DAMN USER NAME???” OMFG!! What the heck was my 14 Digit PW? I know I wrote it all down here somewhere? What I had to change it after 90 days?  OMG!! I’m […]

AOTC#98, Support Corpsman.com in the Month of December!–Final

We only had 4 folks show up for the taping, but my stats show that 178 folks downloaded our netcast from last week.  This is awesome, I understand that everyone can’t be on when we tape, but you can download the podcast or listen to it here.   You can download it on ITUNES, Subscriber […]

Corpsman.com Annual December Fund Drive

Happy Holidays to all! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, Happy Kwanza, Happy Festivus.. (There I think I have it all covered!) December has traditionally been our fundraising month for Corpsman.com.   This is the time where we ask for users to help support our site for another year. December is the only month where we hit […]

AOTC #97 Final Posted for your enjoyment… Enjoy!

Sorry this took a while to compile, but with Thanksgiving, Putting out lights on the tree’s etc.. You get the drift.. Anyways, here is AOTC #97.  8404 and myself had a good time on this show. We are taping again tomorrow night @ 2130 EST. (Thursday night this week!) Hope to hear or see you. […]

AOTC #98 Thursday Night. Hope you will be there!

WHAT: Corpsman.com AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) When: Thursday Night @ 2130 EST. Where: Corpsman.com here or on Justin.tv :  http://justin.tv/corpsman_com We will be discussing the news and anything that you the users of Corpsman.com bring up.  Email us your questions or attach a Audio clip to your message (mp3) and we will attempt to answer […]

“BLACK FRIDAY” Be safe out there.. bring a Taser!!

November 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Tasers and cattle prods are the ready!! Maps of the local WAL-MARTS in the IPhone, Blackberry’s are programmed in.. what is on what aisle etc.. I know your getting geared up.. the countdown is on.. BLACK FRIDAY AWAITS!! Be safe.. 🙂 Tweet

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