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Monday, March 31, 2025

Scuttlebutt Newsletter Issue #20 for December 2008. Better Late then Never!

December 30, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Newsletter, Ships Library

T-2 days..

Then it is 2009!


This year has just flown by for me.  It was my first full year being retired from beginning to end.  I really didn’t think there would be much of a learning curve to retirement and all I can say is,


Getting aclimated to the Civ side of the house has had its up’s and down’s.  Mostly up’s though!

(Sorry just got back from changing a light bulb, see glorified Janitor)

Anyway, what I am I am trying to say is I apologize for the newsletter coming out late this month.

DeeDee actually had it done prior to Christmas, but life got ahold of me out here in IL.

All my kids were sick, then I got it, after which my son from TX came to visit on the 23’rd through the 27’th, after which the Admiral got sick. So it has been a regular winter here up in the great white north.

So without further ado I give you Issue #20 of the Scuttlebutt News.  DeeDee did a outstanding job as usual, and I really want to thank all of you who submitted for this wonderful issue.  Our Newsletters are a nothing without you the users. (Click the Graphic to receive the newsletter)

Scuttlebutt Monthly Newsletter

Scuttlebutt Monthly Newsletter

I will be posting much much more daily this next year.  There will be some new changes coming down the pike.. stay tuned!

Happy New Year!
Let’s send out 2008 safely brothers and sisters.. No drinking and driving!

The Corpsman.com Staff!

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