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Friday, March 7, 2025

HN Aaron Ullom KIA AFGHANISTAN 12 July 2011


Hospital Corpsman Arron Ullom KIA 12 July 2011 in Afghanistan


MIDLAND — Friends saw courage within Aaron Ullom long before he died at war in Afghanistan on Tuesday as a hospital corpsman in the U.S. Navy.

Ullom, 20, of Midland “was definitely brave,” recalled Arielle Stoneburner, 20, of Midland, a friend of Aaron Ullom who graduated with him from Midland High School in 2009.

“I know there were times when somebody needed help with something and it seemed like the most ridiculous thing they needed done, or something you would never find anybody to do, and here’d come Aaron, coming down the road, wanting to do it,” Stoneburner said.

Ware Smith Woolever Funeral Home of Midland is handling arrangements for Ullom, whose remains will arrive at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Thursday afternoon, according to the funeral home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Stoneburner said relatives of Ullom said he was shot and killed by enemy fire Tuesday in Afghanistan.

You can read the Whole article by: Tom Gilchrist | at: MLIVE.com


Our hearts and prayers go out to the Ullom Family, his shipmates and his Marines.
Please leave a condolence message below.










32 Responses to “HN Aaron Ullom KIA AFGHANISTAN 12 July 2011”
  1. HN Conrad says:

    It is always disheartening to hear about a fellow corpsman who has died fighting for our country. He gave the ultimate sacrifice and he will always be remembered. Thank you for your service to our country! my thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and fellow corpman/servicemembers! RIP

  2. Johnf261 says:

    It is a very sad day for the Corpsman family. My prayers and condolences go out to the Ullom family. RIP Aaron.

  3. Jacomann89 says:

    As a marine I respect the corpsman for what they do for their country and for us. He was a valuable asset and person. I will pray for his family and his unit.

  4. Sheilavanwert says:

    Aaron was a great guy and a dear friend to many people. He will be missed very much. We all thank him for his bravery and commitment to us and our country. May you rest in peace knowing you left this world doing the job you were brought here to do. <3

  5. HN Solomon says:

    Fair winds and following seas, brother.

  6. Puckmedic says:

    we all knew when this war on terror began that America was going to lose men and women. Yet, losing one of our own, no matter how many times we hear it, remains disheartening. How much longer will we place our people in harm’s way? That answer lies in the ability of the Afghanistan government to take responsibility for its own country and its willingness to send a clear message to foriegn fighters, taliban and al queda that they will die if they continue to operate inside their borders.   Until then, we’re going to continue to send our people to the line. They stand that line to help bring stability to the world’s most unstable region. I don’t envy the task, but I support them until the last breath. RIP my brother, may your death not be in vain. Our Hospital Corps is saddened but our history is stronger for tomorrow’s Corpsmen because of men like you who gave it everything they had.

  7. Poghmahone says:

    I am deeply saddened by the loss of Aaron Ullom as I am of every single Doc who served honorably alongside his Marines.  Once he joined the Fleet Marine Force, served with US Marines and earned the title “Doc,” he morphed from a Hospital Corpsman to became a Navy Corpsman of Marines. May he watch over his Marines in Heaven.
    Larry McTernan, former Doc of Mike 3/9/3 in the FMF.

  8. The Ranslow family says:

    Praying for the family to be able to find peace and comfort during this most difficult time.  Thank you sir for your service to our country.  You gave the ultimate sacrifice for us.  Thank you. 

  9. Larr2332 says:

    So sad… we all want to win the war.. but when young heroes die… your (my) perspective changes each time i hear of it.

    I wish we can bring em all home asap

  10. Jmcamacho73 says:

    My condolences go out to Aarons family he is in are prayers in Arizona.

  11. Anonymous says:

    As young as my son, Corpsman Cruz.
    It is an unimaginable sorrow to the family for a news like this. Condolences to Doc Ullom’s family.
    May your Faith in God’s wisdom bring you a little peace. Our sons and daughters choose this- the highest of all calling. And altho I understand why- but I cannot imagine the grief… I am so very sorry. I cry with you for your son.

    To you Doc Ullom- may the Angels tend to you with comforting warmth. You are a Hero in my eyes.

    A Doc’s Mom here in California, Camp Pendleton

  12. Nancy Doke Harrison says:

    I am so sorry for you and your families terrible loss.  He is a hero who has paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.  My family is very grateful to your family for his actions.  We share your pain and sadness as my nephew, too, paid this price just a year ago. We will keep you in our prayers.  May God’s love shine upon you and ease the pain. 
    From another military family,

  13. Joseph Ashcraft says:

    Our thought and prayers go out to his friends and family in their time of loss. His fellow corpsmen  will carry his spirit in our hearts as we continue the tradition to serve others.

  14. HA Feicco says:

    My heart goes out to you the family.  I’m a young HA right now learning the ropes at TCCC.  I did not know  Aaron, but he was a fellow sailor and corpsman.  May your god(s) look after him and you the family.   Safe journeys in life to all.

  15. Doc Holcomb says:

    Gone but never forgotten!!!  My heart and prayers go out to Aaron’s Family, Friends, Marines, & fellow Corpsmen.  He definately deserves our Respect and Admiration for his service and sacrifice!! Ooh Rah Devil Doc!!!!

    Doc Holcomb

  16. Mpery99 says:

    RIP, Doc Ullom. We appreciate your service and ultimate sacrifice. As a former Marine and son of a  Devil Doc, I respect and honor all our Navy Docs.

    Semper Fi Brother!


    Former Corporal, USMC

  17. Silent05 says:

    Men among men. Barely 20 and still wanted to be with Marines as their important member….”Doc”. May you rest in peace and your family and friends find light during this dark time.

    DOC hopeful Oscar

  18. John Depry Williams says:

    I was on the dignified transfer team for aaron today…what an honor to pay that tribute to him and his family…we meet his parents afterwards and they gave the whole carry team a hug. It was truely a blessing! I could tell that for his mother and father hugging us was like hugging their son good bye.  God bless his family and I hope I will live up the type of man aaron was.

  19. Chloe Mathis says:

    Arron Ullom was a friend of mine. Him and I went to Corps School together and he was such a good person and a great friend. I miss him dearly. He was a hard worker and very smart. My prayers and heart are with the Ullom family right now.

  20. HM2DOC7682 says:

    Our prayers go out to Aaron’s Family, Friends, Marines, & fellow Corpsmen.  Semper Fi Devil Doc! 

  21. Zeek says:

    Right after I got back from Iraq, HN Ullom checked into our clinic as a PSI before Field Med.  He was great asset to our team.  Although quiet at times, he was very determined and motivated to serve alongside Marines and provide the best care he could.  I only knew him for a few months but I’m crushed to see this news.

  22. Sardoc88 says:

    Rest In Peace my brother and thank you for your service.  My heart and prayers go out to the family and the brothers he served with.

  23. walliser says:

    wow I knew this guy, he was in FMTB with me and we went to 2nd Med BN. He was a great guy and fun to be around. My prayer go out to his family. it was an honor to serve with him when i was there

  24. Sethdcales says:

    Ullom, honestly if it wasn’t for your grounding me about how i wasnt capable of the impossible i woulda done a helluva lot more stupid stuff in corpsschool, you were a good friend, a good study buddy, and a great corpsman, With seperation, injury, or death, you will never lose your pride, like all docs, you probably bled green blue and gold, HOORAH MOTIVATOR!

  25. Old Doc says:

    It is always sad to hear this news.  It is a very special person who willingly risks their life to serve fellow human beings in a hostil environment without the least regard for personal safety. There are no words that may console the family of this heroic young man or words fitting enough to eulogize him; just in awe that these individuals exist and serve every day. 

  26. keely shareno says:

    Aaron Ullom was in my FMTB class with me only a year ago, and in my fireteam. I hope his family and friends can find some peace and know that he was a great guy and will be missed.

  27. Doc_G says:

    It takes courage and a good heart to fight for freedom and to do what this man did. May God Bless him, family, and friends.

  28. Kevin and Debi Ullom says:

    John, you are so right in saying that it was like hugging Aaron. And there are no words that could possibly express our thanks to you and all of the team. Aaron’s Mom and I will be praying for each and every one of you. And thank you all for your service to Aaron and our country.

  29. Loriyorkjohnson says:

    God bless you Doc Ullom. Only those who are a part of this crazy military family can relate… The devastation of the ultimate loss and the pride of being part of the lives of those brave enough to answer the call to serve. My son will return home from FMTB tomorrow and wait for his call. We will celebrate his successes this past year as he prepared for his turn…and we will think of Aaron..and know just how big the price of freedom really is.

  30. Picad89 says:

    My son is a Hospital Corpman stationed in Guam. He and your son went through Corpman School together. He just called home to tell us about your son. He spoke very highly of him. I am so saddened by your loss. Your family is in my prayers. I thank Aaron for his service to our country.

  31. varath says:

    RIP shipmate/ fellow corpsman.

  32. Brandon says:

    My you rest easy and Never be forgotten HN Aaron Ullom. No ammount of words could ammount to how thankfull i am for men like you, and no ammount of words could ammount to the saddness i feel when i hear this world has lost another great man. Rest In Peace Aaron.