Advancement Tests are here, are you ready?
February 26, 2011 by Da-Chief
Filed under News, Doc in the Advancement Box, Marine Corps News, Military Information, Navy News
Yup, it’s that time again.. Advancement test season. The Reserves have already started taking the tests and in March the Active Duty will be taking their E-4 thru E-6 Exams.
I hope you all have taken advantage of our Bibliography section prior to this to help you study in advance. If not though, how about spending this weekend actually boning up on the materials you will see during the exam.
I know that 8404 and myself harp on this all the time, but I promise you after the results come out we will have one of the users complain that they missed advancement by just a few points. These are points that you can maybe acquire by studying just a bit.
Good Luck!