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Monday, March 31, 2025

Fundraising Update: $123.01 away… (Thanks Doc_D) for the advice!

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We are 123.01 away.. Yeah I thought we were closer, but I had 2 bounced checks come through that I was counting on.

The folks who have the issue, Please next time don’t write them if your not sure you have the $$.  I spoke with a user on the site to get an idea on how to handle this (Thanks DOC_D) and am going with this.

I’m not going to contact the folks as I am sure they are embarrassed enough, and they will be contacted by their bank.  Times are tough this year and I totally understand this. I don’t want you to push a situation that might already be hard for you and your family.  Plus I don’t want you to have any more Bank Fee’s either.

So where we are at is 123.01 away of our goal. Truthfully I thought we had reached it and this was the reason why you have not heard from me in a few days.

If you would like to help us meet our goal Please click on the link:  DONATE to CORPSMAN.COM

I also will not be deleting names as if I do, some folks can go back and deduce who had the issue.  I am keeping all names on the list so as not to embarrass anyone.

Your heart was in the right place but it only hurts us with fee’s as well.

Thanks everyone, We are almost there.  I thank you for your time, and your support.



One Response to “Fundraising Update: $123.01 away… (Thanks Doc_D) for the advice!”
  1. John Young says:

    Taken Care of