Lookin for a Co-Host for AOTC..
September 29, 2010 by Da-Chief
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family, Ships Library
Howdy everyone!
Due to life’s ongoing mission, I need to find a new co-host for the Attack of Da-Chief weekly netcast. If interested it is crucial you have these:
1. A strong broadband connection
2. a good headset / Mic combination
3. an account on either Skype or on Google Talk (Free)
4. A Vid-Cam.
If you have these and are interested, please email me a 30 sec clip (MP3) with a quick why and who you are. admin1@corpsman.com I will make my final selection by the 15th of October, so the deadline to get your submission into me is the 10th of October.
Thanks and I hope to hear from you.
Host “Attack of Da-Chief”