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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Da-Chief and Crew are Moving.. (Physically) to new Homeport, WISCONSIN!!!

Front of house

Front of house

We have official orders.

My family and myself are moving up to Wisconsin in August.

This will be a bittersweet day for us as I moved to Zion, IL from California, after researching everything from schools to neighborhood etc.

In 2003 everything was ok, or at least we thought it was.

If you were to read the posts that go way back on this site you would see our house has flooded multiple times due to drainage issues on our block. (Those have finally been fixed, but after having your family room flooded 3 times, our insurance company for our home really noticed!)

The last straw though was after a bunch of foreclosures in our area, renters have taken over.  I have no beef with renters, but what I DO have a beef with though is an owner letting trash come in and rent your houses..

My direct neighbor to my left (Looking at the house now as I’m typing) was raided by the police for distributing Narcotics.  I mean they went through windows busted out doors etc.  When they were done and had carted the offending family off, they just boarded up the house with plywood.  Hell the owner didn’t even know about it, I had to track him down via tax records on the house and I got to alert him to his house.

Even worse?  In my back yard we have a “CHILD SEX OFFENDER” (Registered) who lives behind us.

Both Renters..

It came to head about a month ago when I got on Spencer for going out in the backyard to play with a friend, and I freaked out as I was down in the office and didn’t know they were outside.

I’m mad at my son for wanting to go out and play?

I think not.

So I/we have made the decision to re-locate up to Wisconsin.  Actually this will benefit us as we got a “HUGE” house on a lake up north I mean  Right on the lake!!

Take a look.

Look off our back deck:

Look off Da-Chief's new back Deck

Look off Da-Chief's new back Deck

So we are going to be busy for the next month. I pick up the keys around the 4th of August and will be busy busy busy. New school for our kids, the whole shebang.

So with this I am announcing that AOTC will be on HIATUS until after I am up north and have setup the new studio etc. If ANYONE wants to help out with posts on here with current news, pleas get with me asap.

Also one last thing, I had to turn on approval of comments as we still have someone who wants to be a pest and keep spamming us. I will approve comments as soon as I see them, only the spammy ones will be deleted.

Thanks again!

Da-Chief and Crew


5 Responses to “Da-Chief and Crew are Moving.. (Physically) to new Homeport, WISCONSIN!!!”
  1. DeeDee says:

    fabulous place – can't wait to come visit 🙂 Congrats on the new digs

  2. Seanramey63 says:

    I am so coming to WisCAAAAANSIN

  3. Ripley says:

    Hope your move is going well, Chief!

  4. Usnhm8404 says:

    I live in Rock County, WI. I am guessing you are in either Kenosha or Walworth county.

  5. Idieterich1 says:

    Hi, I am in Waukesha county. Our lakes are so beautiful arent they? I spend a lot of time at my daughter's lake home on Lak La Belle, almost in Jefferson county, far north west Waukesha county.