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Thursday, March 6, 2025

New PTS Requirements (Reenlisting? Better Read this!)

PO3 Pizzaro Reenlists in CUBA

PO3 Pizzaro Reenlists in CUBA

Release Date: 04/14/2010
By Chief Mass Communication Specialist (SW) Maria Yager, Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON, Tenn. – A Navy message released April 12 announced policy, timeline, and procedural changes to the Perform to Serve program.

“At a time when retention is at an all-time high and attrition is at an all-time low, we have to make sure we keep the right number of people while maintaining a quality level that enables us to sustain a work force for the future,” said Fleet Master Chief (AW/SW/SCW) Scott Benning, Navy Total Force/Manpower, Education and Training Fleet Master Chief. “PTS continues to evolve to ensure performance based opportunity is maintained for our best and brightest Sailors.”

NAVADMIN 128/10 provides the timeline when PTS applications should be submitted, eliminates the Page 13 “commitment of intent to reenlist” entry, addresses Navy Reserve affiliation options, and explains exceptions to PTS for limited groups of Sailors.

Working with their chain of command, Sailors should consult their career counselor and submit a PTS application no later than 13 months before their end of active obligated service (EAOS) or projected rotation date (PRD) if service obligation will be required.

Commands may submit applications 15 months prior to EAOS/PRD if they will be deployed during the regular processing months, or for Sailors who require early approval for special programs or decommissioning.

Applications are required for Sailors in paygrades E-3 to E-6 with less than 14 years of service, regardless of reenlistment intentions. According to the NAVADMIN, commands may submit applications for ineligible Sailors by selecting “no” to question one, “Is member eligible for reenlistment?” This enables accountability of all Sailors, according to the message.

The new message eliminates the requirement for Sailors to sign a Page 13 stating their reenlistment intentions. However, commands are required to submit a Page 13 to BUPERS 320 when a Sailor with PTS approval no longer desires to reenlist.

“All members of the command leadership team should read NAVADMIN 128/10 in its entirety and remain fully engaged in the conduct of timely career development boards, counseling and mentoring,” said Benning.

PTS was first launched in 2003 as a method for the Navy to shape manning to match mission requirements. It is a centralized reservation system used to manage reenlistments. While most Sailors are permitted to reenlist in their current rate, Sailors in overmanned ratings may be offered reenlistment in an undermanned rating.

When PTS began, it applied only to “first-term” Sailors in overmanned ratings but has grown. Last year, the Navy expanded PTS to Sailors E-3 through E-6 with six-to-10 years of service (Zone B), and then to Sailors E-3 through E-6 with 10-to-14 years of service (Zone C). Performance is a critical factor in PTS selection. Sailors in paygrades E-1 and E-2 cannot apply to reenlist.

Commanding officers must ensure PTS applications are screened and certified for accuracy in accordance with MILPERSMAN article 1440-060 and notify BUPERS 320 of any action that may adversely affect PTS eligibility. Actions may include loss of a security clearance, three Physical Fitness Assessment failures in a four-year period, reduction in rate, submarine disqualification, elected separation, non-judicial punishment, refusal to obligate service for orders, and high-year tenure.

More guidance is available in NAVADMIN 128/10.

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