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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Corpsman.com Holiday Newsletter needs your Help!! Please Assist!!

December 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family, Newsletter


DeeDee (Corpsman.com Scuttlebutt News Editor) needs your assistance!!

She is getting the Holiday/End of year newsletter together right now, and could do it  in under 5 minutes??

How could that be?

Well no one has submitted Holiday wishes to her to be included in the Newsletter.

Last years newsletter had almost 40 pages of articles and well wishes to our folks in the military or family members back home.

Please email your submissions to editor@corpsman.com by 12/12/09 for inclusion in the year-end issue to be ready for your reading pleasure 12/23/09.

Show your love for your fellow Doc’s!! I am calling on all you Active and Reserve Doc’s out there!!

Quite a few of our Deployed folks (HMC Hedien my Sistah!) are deployed during this holiday season and they love this newsletter when it is published.

Come on folks help us out, all it will cost you is a little time.


Darrell Crone


4 Responses to “Corpsman.com Holiday Newsletter needs your Help!! Please Assist!!”
  1. Mark Perry says:

    Hey All,

    I wanted to extend my Holiday wishes to all our Navy and Marine Corps Personnel and to all our Services this season. You all are doing a great job and we appreciate it very much! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! Keep up the great work!

    Semper Fi

    Mark P.
    Former Marine

  2. scarr says:

    Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each and everyone of you.

    For all of you: God Bless. For the Hospital Corpsman assigned to the Marines, keep your heads down and keep safe. I am a Veteran of Viet Nam and Desert Storm and a 8404 and I know what it is like in the field. Before I retired I was an instructor at Hospital Corps School at Great Lakes and for all of you that I taught, I hope and pray that I gave you the knowledge to help your self and your Marines.

    God Bless You All

    Thank You for your service to our country

    Be safe and remember we are all proud of you.

    Richard Crayne
    USN Ret.

  3. Coco says:

    I like to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our Armed Forces, especially to the Hospital Corpsmen serving in Afghanistan.

    I am officially a Doc’s mom. I couldn’t be more proud of my son’s will and courage. He is our hero and it is now in God’s hands.

    It is our first Christmas without him.

    God Bless all the young man and women who are just now starting their military life and God bless their families that support them.

    I know how difficult it is to have our loved ones in such a difficult and hostile environment.
    Let's get busy sending care packages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  4. sfmed says:

    to everyone,

    merrry christman and a happy holidays to all our brothers and sisters over seas gettin some and doing work instead of being home with there families. stay low and get home safe. god's speed…