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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Corpsman.com Status Update and AOTC #84 Wednesday Night!

October 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Attack of Da-Chief, Corpsman.com Netcast

Attack of Da-Chief, Corpsman.com Netcast

Corpsman.com Family,

Sorry for the confusion, the Chat will be on Wednesday night.  I have to get my thoughts and emotions together for this one.


A couple of points that I want to throw out there:

— We are not a “NON FOR PROFIT” organization, never said we were.  Always said we were not.

— That being said, we have “NEVER” made a profit here!  Like Tony (8404) said, it’s not just about Server Space , hosting etc.  There are more costs involved than you can imagine.  Things that are paid for monthly, as well as yearly leasing or as of this year buying a license for.

–I have had a few rude folks basically accusing me of jilting the users after I put this message out like I was bilking you the paying customers..


I have been accused of a lot of things but how in the hell do I bilk anyone out of a free site?

I dunno.

That being said, I have received a overwhelming response from quite a few of you about the site.  Funds etc.

I’m just tired of begging for money, or pleading for ad clicks etc.

When I retired from the NAVY in 2007 I wanted Corpsman.com to be my “SOLE” job.  I wanted to keep taking care of Doc’s, Recruits, and Veterans and the Doc’s families.

I’m lucky enough to have a wife who believed in my crazy-assed idea that she let me go ahead and give it a whirl.  Karen has “NEVER” asked me to close this place down, and has supported Corpsman.com from its inception.



To do this though, me running this full time as a full-time job, we came upon a $$ amount that had to be generated each month for the upkeep of the site, but as well to pay the guy who was sitting here 24/7 working on the site.  It was not a high $$ amount by any means, and really I would live under the poverty line if that was my sole income.  Lucky for me I am married to the greatest RN in the world who had a good job and believed in my dream.

Even with me doing this as a full-time job, it was more then I could handle on my own.  Enter CrazyCajun, DeeDee, and 8404!

8404 and his HAWG

8404 and his HAWG

These folks are my family.  Thru and thru to the bone, my family members.  Not by blood , but by fire here on the site.

And like a family we have had our UP’s and Down’s, not always agreeing on everything, but always, always, always coming back to the center again to support you , the users of Corpsman.com.

I have had one of our Staff here Suffer a Heart Attack, and was worried sick about the folks in the forums over himself. (Thanks 8404!).

I have seen DeeDee, give her sons up to the Navy, and have to send 1 to war hoping he would come home safe.

I have had one Cantankerous Chief Programmer, who was the only on who could reign in my crazy-assed ideas that I always had.  Who myself I worried about whether he was going to deploy again, and also watch him walk the retirement “PERP” walk that I had done.

DeeDee & Johnathan Reno

DeeDee & Johnathan Reno

All 3 have been here from the beginning.  They are not paid with $$, but have paid with their blood, sweat, and time for Corpsman.com.  I have been able to purchase equipment and software, computers to help in the process, but that is never what they are really worth to me and to you all.

Last but not least by any stretch Doc_Konkle my ANCHOR, with Corpsman.com from start till now. I salute her and her devotion to you all..

I salute them.  I hope you do too!

So join us Wednesday night @ 2130 on Stickam, at http://www.stickam.com/da_chief If you want to join in on the chat, please do so, but you have to have a stickam account prior to join the chat.

We will go until the chatting is done tomorrow night.

Thanks and God Speed


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