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Saturday, March 29, 2025

State of Corpsman.com Address.. (Whats going on?)

September 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Friends, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Soldiers, Coasties…

Lend me your ears!!





Lots of news going on here on Corpsman.com, so much so I thought I would address it as a lead story so you can understand whats happening when something doesn’t work or if you see a change.  This is not only pertaining to the site per say either.  Schedules and what we do with our schedules are changing as well. 

So lets get into it..

New Face Upgrade:  We have started upgrading the front end of Corpsman.com, behind the scenes that is. Due to this, the only thing that might affect you are some of our
plug-ins.  You may see a few hiccups, then again  you might not see any.  I just wanted to be on the up and up with this.

ATTACK OF DA-CHIEF (AOTC) Schedule: Due to my CRAZY schedule with school and family,  Your going to have to bear with me for taping of the show.  We will be taping the show this Tuesday Night @ 2000 CST.  At least for this week! 😉

I’m a wreck:  The last 2 weeks have taken a lot out of me.  I’m not complaining, but you just don’t know what goes on behind the scenes when we first get info that we have lost a fellow Medic/Corpsman.  We have a very strict system we go through before we post the notification, mainly to make sure:

             1.  The family has been notified.
             2.  Is the family involved with the story etc.
             3.  Dealing with Shipmates, friends and family members.

Case and point, We just lost 2 heroes within one week.  Posting and getting the info out though they both were very different. 

We were in contact with HM3 Castiglione’s family from the very beginning.  Matter of fact, his uncle was the person who alerted us.  Corpsman.com was able to attend the funeral for this hero in MI.  Petty Officer Castiglione was really involved with Corpsman.com and had told his family so, hence the reason his family came to us.  Because we got the info prior to DOD Notification though we had to back-check the story, we did so through local media, as well as family.

HM3 Layton, has been very different.  We knew we had lost a Doc in Afghanistan the day it happened.  We did not have a name though, but we knew we had lost someone from a shipmate.  He did the honorable thing though and kept the name etc to himself.  It really sucked though as we were actively working with the loss of HM3 Castiglione.  To this date we have had no contact with HM3 Layton’s family.  We have heard from Shipmates etc, but no family.   This is not a problem mind you, I just don’t want anyone to think we deal with anyone differently on purpose. 

Nope, we deal with each loss individually.  Some we just report and mention them in the AOTC show as we don’t have any more information.  Or if we do have info or shipmates that want to honor the passing online with 8404 and myself during AOTC, we do it.  Each is honored though as a Hero on our site.  All are listed on our Corpsman.com Memorial.

Well that’s it for now, Dee will be up and running the Chatroom in the Scuttlebutt forums this Tuesday night, 2100-2300 EST.  You can actually get 2 bangs for the free buck Tuesday night though as we are taping AOTC on Tuesday night @ 2100 as well!

Hope to see you around Corpsman.com!



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