A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Thanks to the following People, and please help support Corpsman.com PLEASE READ!!



08 July 2009

Happy Wednesday, (Two days Closer to Friday then Monday!)

The Bibs are now up and current on hospitalcorpsman.org.

While we have had the bibs for sometime on our site corpsman.com, most folks look on hospitalcorpsman.org as it has traditionally had them.

CrazyCajun has been upgraded on his software suite, and is getting back into the saddle again.

I want to thank the following people for their kind donation to Corpsman.com, but also let everyone know we can still use your help.  If you would like to sponsor a netcast, have a question about donating, please email me @ admin1@corpsman.com , or you can click any of the donate buttons on all of our pages.

Thanks to the following Folks:

  • Daniel Moffett
  • John Brown
  • Alan Friend
  • Deborah McClintock
  • Marcus Harris
  • Mike “0311_Doc” Digaetano
  • BenPsencik
  • John Knibbs
  • 3rdLot.com
  • Bootcamp4me.com
  • Herb Eschbach
  • Fred Laurie
  • Michael Walsh
  • Cassie Brockett

Please think about donating today!! We are using the monies for our site to only make it better for you the users!

As most of you know, I took over Corpsman.com back in 2004.  We have grown from 2 users (Crazycajun and myself) to now at around 2,030 registered users in our forums.
The Front page of Corpsman.com, our news area, regularly gets about 5,000 unique hits (Visitors) per day. We have gone from a shared cheap hosting package for our services to a Virtual (Not so cheap) server to handle the load for the services we offer.

All of this has been free other then donations we have received from some users and the ad revenue we generate on our pages.  Free to all.

We used to solicit for donations quite regularly 2 years ago, but stopped because our ad revenue was more than handling the obligations, that was until this year.

Our revenue is off by about 75 % due to the downturn in the economy.  I am hoping that it picks up soon.

Until then though I have to come up with creative ways to generate revenue to keep the site going and upgrading.  We have software and machines we need to upgrade etc.  If you think I am the only one running this place your wrong, We have 4 folks who help me that I supply computers, and software to help out with the day to day operations.

Folks we need your help.  If you can make a small donation for our site, please just click the donate button on any of our pages on Corpsman.com.  You will be recognized unless asked not to in our quarterly Newsletters.

Another way to support us is to sponsor one of our Netcasts/Podcasts.   Last year we had a user (Andirrt) who sponsored us for 10 shows.  We have not asked for any recently, but if you’re interested please drop me a line @ admin1@corpsman.com.

In August we are hosting a Corpsman.com Auction.  Doc-Pardue as well as others have donated Artwork, signed works, and goods to support Corpsman.com.  More on that next week.

Thanks for becoming a part of our Corpsman.com Team.    Please think about donating to our cause.



Darrell Crone
Owner Corpsman.com


Email: hmc.crone@corpsman.com

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