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Sunday, February 23, 2025

AOTC #61– Hope you like Chicago until Ocotober–Final

AOTC #61 was taped live last night (15 April 2009) and other then the camera lense being wonky (Which you won’t notice on the audio version!), This had to be our “BEST” show yet!

Tonight’s episodes topics:

  • Upcoming Auction to support Corpsman.com, The Auction will be held in the Summer.  This will be a Annual Deal to help support us.
  • Delayed PCS Moves until October, we covered this extensively and will follow up more on it next week.  LCDR Hurt from NHCS is keeping us in the loop. We were also in contact with BUPERS today with official gouge for the rest of the Doc’s in the fleet.
  • The “Corpsman Luke Emch, Matthew Conte, Memorial Freeway was commisioned in Brimfield Ohio.  (76 East & West in Portage County).  Wes Emch (Lukes Dad) contacted me yesterday with the news as well as how to get the video for the story.  You can read about it here:  Corpsman Memorial Freeway .

Of course you can click the link below and listen to the show, or Download the .mp3 file, and last but not least you can subscribe to our Netcast via I-Tunes, Keyword Corpsman.com.

If you do wish to watch our show (I.e Video),  Click our “Corpsman.com Live Page” and use the bottom Stickam Plugin, click the Camera Icon and you can see all of our AOTC Videos.

Remember we will be back next week for AOTC #62!! Wednesday Night @ 2115 EST.

Attack of Da-Chief, Corpsman.com Netcast

Attack of Da-Chief, Corpsman.com Netcast


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