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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ahhh Good to be BACK! This and That’s..

April 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Is Spring really here?

Opening Day Canceled due to Snow!

Opening Day Canceled due to Snow!

Yesterday’s game here in Chicago (White Sox) was canceled due to “SNOW”!

But as I look out my window right now as I am typing this, it is sunny and the birds our out, squirrels are in “MATING Fever” running all over the place so I am going to take it from the critters, Spring must be right around the corner.

Spring to me is like re-birth.  I need it every year after being cooped up in our caves for the winter.

Same goes for here, Corpsman.com as well.

During the last week or so I took some time away from the day to day of the site.  Don’t get me wrong, I was in the forums answering questions etc, but I just needed a break.

So after a week, I feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  And wanted to write this article about what is going on and also to answer several questions that have been sent to me of late.

Corpsman.com LIVE

Thanks so much for all the positive response we have received for our live shows.  For those of you who don’t know, we now not only provide a Audio Podcast, but we are producing a Video of the show as we tape live on Wednesday Nights.

For right now we are using STICKAM as our provider and we thank them for their continued support.  TALKSHOE.com is handling all our audio needs and providing the feed to I-TUNES for our Podcast’s.  We thank both of these organizations, because frankly without them we could not handle the load of serving them to you the users.

The Show like I said above is produced live on Wednesday Nights @ 2115 EST.  You just have to go to our Talkshoe.com Live page (Click the link above) and utilize the Stickam Plugin to watch us live.  I will be seeing if you can watch after the fact this week and see if we can serve the video to you as well.  Of course if you miss the show you can download the .mp3 file here on our site in a post that announces that the show is final or you can utilize the Talkshoe.com Plugin or you can subscribe to receive them automatically on I-TUNES. Either way you get to listen to the show when  you want to, where ever you want to.

Like I said before this show is produced locally here on my machine in my studio (Living Room 😉 ) It’s a bit rough around the edges but will get better with time.  More on this later in the update.

ScuttleButt Forums

Did you know we have a online community of over 1800 folks on Corpsman.com?  How do I know this number? Well because this is the number of folks who are signed up and are active on our forums.  By Active I mean they have written at least “once” during the year.

This is important, the “ONCE A YEAR” part.  In January, We deleted over 600 Folks who were on our books and had not been around for over a year.  We had over 2200 folks on signed up on our site, but some were not coming back or moved on or whatever reason.   If your a LURKER (Someone who just comes in and reads but doesn’t post), no problem, what I do ask you to do though is to please log into your account twice a year, this will save your username etc next January when we do a query again.

This is important in that as we get more and more folks signed up, our Database gets bigger and bigger, things start to bog down with the system, and we only want the best for all of you.  If you were around last summer when our server kept crashing due to the load, you will understand why we like to keep a tight ship.

Recently we had a online spat in our forums.  I won’t go into the particulars, but if you “INSULT” someone, expect to be banned, plain and simple.  We are about a brother/sister hood on our site.  There is no room for it and it won’t be tolerated.  Both of these folks have not gotten the boot, but their thread was locked and deleted.

If you have a problem with a user on our site, please PM (Private Message) us. PM: da-chief, 8404, DeeDee, CrazyCajun, or indy.  Any of us can help you out.

Err.. Sorry for the Interuption!

As you can see this article was started last week, It was really a bad week to try to right it as it was Spring Break.  I was nuts.. 😉

Anyways expect at least 1 article a day now out on our site.  We are going to try to do a different section each day I.e Vets, Education etc..

Remember Online Chat tomorrow Night (Tuesday) from 2100-2300 EST, and AOTC on Wednesday Night from 2115 EST – Done..
This weeks show’s Topic: NAVY OMBUDSMAN Program.

Have  a great week!

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