March 23, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Army News, News, Entertainment, Marine Corps News, Military Information, National Guard News, Navy News
If there is one thing I liked in my 24 years in the Greatest Navy in the world, it was serving with the Marine Corps!!
Why? Well at the time, it used to drive me nuts how by the book they were, there was no Gray area for them.
The Motto of the Marines, are “WE TRAIN AS WE FIGHT AND WE FIGHT AS WE TRAIN”. In other words, If a orders comes down, we exercise said order to the exact, and I mean “EXACT” detail as written.
This was new to me having already been in the Navy for 17 years at the time. In my time this is what we would see, read below..
You could set 8-10 Navy Officers in a room with the Same Navy instruction, and they would all walk out with 9-10 (Ones a Butt Snorkler trying to get ahead, you know them.. the YES MAN!) different ways to do the Instruction.
What they fail to realize, a instruction is just that.. “A INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO DO SOMETHING”….
I jab the officers, but it happens in the CPO ranks as well.. There are the Deckplate CPO’s.. and then there are the “I WANNA HAVE A PARKING SPACE LIKE A OFFICER” CPO’s..
Put 10 CPO’s in a room, the Deckplate ones will come together and work out a plan to follow the instruction. The Parking Space CPO’s will go to separate corners, not let anyone see their work as it might affect their FITREP/EVALS, and god forbid helping a shipmate out.
See?? Is there any wonder the MCPON feels like the Navy Commands are failing with the “PERFORM TO SERVE” Program for folks who want to reenlist.
Under the program, your supposed to submit a package to BUPERS letting them know you want to reenlist, 12 months prior to your EAOS. Commands are not getting this done in a timely manner, in that 66% of packages are not getting a full look from BUPERS. Your supposed to have your package looked at 6 times before your put out if there is no space for you. 66% were only getting looked at 4 times.
As the Economy tanks, and more and more people are staying in, it is crucial that “YOU” the person thinking about staying in, Find the instruction governing this. Camp out in your CCC’s office till you get your package submitted on time. Make sure you have “EVERYTHING” required in your package. Don’t rely on anyone else, as it is “YOUR” career.
If you have any questions, Email me @ and we will try to assist you in any way we can. Please don’t come with gripes, come with a solution so we can assist. Have the Instruction at your side, Meet my little friend called “GOOGLE”, and look it up so we can both be reading from the same guidance and follow the instructions set in the Navy INSTRUCTION.
Good Luck!
I think the MCPO makes a great point concerning the Marines…..However, as anyone looked at the 66% of packages and tried to figure out which ones are being submitted from Iraq or Afghanistan. Remember we have Sailors who are deployed all over the world, which is expected, but how many of those Sailors are deployed with Marine and Army units. Remember Sailors from all rates are deploying on MITT, BITT, PTT’s as well as Task Force MP with the Army. Most all of these sailors are living outside the wire and have limited access to a CCC.…..Just food for thought.
What about a sailor that has been a go getter for 12 years in the Navy? You know the type that have two warfare pins, Many MP eval ratings, with a few EP's tossed in the shuffle. Then at their 11 and half year mark they fracture a bone. On LIMDU for 18 months, out of rate stuck in a job that promotes Navy Public Display on shore duty. Now they fill out a PTS, 5 months prior to their EAOS due to the LIMDU period. Now of course it is going to come back denied, can't re-enlist due to HYT. So what is a swabbie suppose to do in this situation? To bad so sad, take the sep pay and be out of the canoe club? Some may say, well you are an E-5 and taken 1st class six times– STUDY! Spare me the khaki line of horse crap, you know just as well as me some rates are locked up!! So what is the solution to this issue??