A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Business State of Corpsman.com, Hosts, IPhones –Oh My…

Folks ask me almost daily how we run Corpsman.com.

Today I wanted to enlighten you all to the business of our site and how it works.

To start, our site / family is run not only by myself, but several others who spend their valuable time helping shape / build Corpsman.com as well.


Da-Chief, Da-Anchorman

First the owner of the site is me, Da-Chief Crone a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer with 24 year of service to our Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Army team.  My Specialty was Aviation Medicine as well as I was a FTS/TAR Corpsman who took care of the Reserves. (Those are the services I have directly worked with during my 24 years.)


CrazyCajun, A Real Sailor

CrazyCajun, a Navy Chief petty Officer who is still serving with the Marine Corps with over 24 years of total service as well in the Navy, He has a diverse background in that he has served on Shore stations, Ships, as well as the Marine Corps.. His Specialty is “Bug Chasing” (He’s a PMT).



8404, A Doc’s Dad as well as a Marine for life. 8404 served in the Marine Corps way back in the day, as well as the Guard for the reserves.  8404, came to our site to learn about the Corpsman program for his son to assist him with some decisions, and in the process was recruited (actually we kidnapped him) to help with our forums.  He has since made contacts through all the Military services, as well as becoming a specialist in the Navy Corpsman program.  Tony is in essence our “CAPT STEUBING” in charge of the shuffleboard tournaments on our site.  I “KID”, 8404 is the guy who keeps our forums running and has created several FAQ’s for those thinking about joining the service as a Doc.


DeeDee our editor Wear's her team on her sleeve!

DeeDee, a Doc’s mom, and editor of our newsletter “Scuttlebutt News”, and Moderator of our Tuesday night Chats in our Scuttlebutt forums, Coordinator of “Adopt a Doc” which has essentially turned out to be “ADOPT A SERVICE MEMBER” program here at Corpsman.com.  Dee is contastanly helping us out daily on our site.  She was one of the first volunteers who did volunteer and has walked the walk.


0311_Doc Somewhere in the world.. "Where's 0311???"

0311_Doc, Training P.O.. Always looking for schols and opportunities for Doc’s in all services, when he is not activated and doing time supporting our Navy and Marine Corps Team!



PegasusHM, Is a Acitve Chief Petty Officer assigned to Naval Hospital Corps School and is our subject matter expert on all things NHCS.  He will be interviewed this next Wednesday night and you will be able to ask questions of him Wednesday night @ 2100 EST in our Talkshoe Room / Corpsman.com Live

8404, DeeDee, and 0311_Doc are all Co-hosts with me on our “Attack of Da-Chief”

All of us are in constant connection via our “IPhones, SMS, Twitter, Email” etc.. 24 hours a day.. I now since I got my IPhone am in constant contact with our team as well as our site.  I have a plug-in that actually lets me post to our site on Corpsman.com while on the fly anywhere anytime. (Best purchase I have ever made..)

As I alluded to last week on the Episode 37 of Attack of Da-Chief (Listen to be informed!), there is a new upgrade to our front end coming down the pike.  We are now in “ALPHA” testing, but we will give you fair warning when we go live.  I believe  you will like the new changes as it will make it easier for you to navigate and search for info on our site.

I am going to do this type of post every Saturday AM (As long as my kids don’t have me hog-tied) on updates to Corpsman.com.

I hope you join our team, not only here but in our forums as well!!

POW will be posted on Sunday Night for next week, stay tuned!



4 Responses to “The Business State of Corpsman.com, Hosts, IPhones –Oh My…”
  1. DeeDee says:

    Very Informative article 🙂 I didn't realize how much I do around here – Time to ask for a raise LOL 😉

  2. 8404 says:

    Hah, excellent post, except, I came to Corpsman.com to actually learn about the Corpsman rating for myself. My son was not to forthcoming with information about his enlistment. Thus, I went searching for answers and found them here.

  3. 8404 says:

    Shuffleboard activities will commence at 0900 on the fantail.

  4. 8404 says:

    Shuffleboard activities will commence at 0900 on the fantail.