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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Have you locked down your Network Connection?

There is a great article in the San Francisco Chronicle, about;


For those of you who don’t understand the term, picture folks cruising your neighberhoods looking for open wireless network connections so they can leech off of your connection.

This can slow down your system, but worse if they get in, and you do banking on your system either on your home computer or even online, they can get your data and access your accounts.

This is SCARY Stuff.  All they have to do is install to your HD a “KEYLOGGER” which records all your keystrokes on your system and then reports the info to them.

Read the entire article “HERE”

Or the Wikipedia article “HERE”

We are going to be starting a computer / Electronics Geek section up here to help you out.  I will educate you on programs that can help you lock down your system even if your not the “TECH GEEK” like Da-Chief is.

A article will be in this months newsletter as well as on our site.

First assingment though, read the article.


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