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Army promotion selections coming soon!

August 18, 2008 by  
Filed under Army News, Military Information

NCO, officer selection lists coming soon

Selection lists containing the names of noncommissioned officers and officers recommended for appointment to command sergeant major and promotion to sergeant major and major have been prepositioned with senior commanders and will be released before the end of August.

Results of the 2008 active-component command sergeant major and sergeant major training and selection board that met in June were prepositioned via the Enlisted Promotion Secure Web page for senior commanders Aug. 12.

As in the past, the prepositioned list contains the names of all soldiers considered by the board.

However, in a change of procedures implemented earlier this year, prepositioned lists do not contain Social Security numbers.

The public version of the list will be released by the Human Resources Command on Aug. 19.

A second list containing the names of Army Reserve soldiers recommended for advancement to command sergeant major and sergeant major will be released Aug. 21.

Results of the 2008 Army Competitive Category major board that met in April and May were prepositioned on the eTOPMIS Web site March 14.

The list containing the names of officer nominated for promotion to major will be released by the Human Resources Command on Aug. 26.

The nominations must be confirmed by the Senate before the Army can schedule promotions.

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