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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Corpsman.com Chat Tuesday Night (TONIGHT) from 2100-2300 EST & May Newsletter info

May 20, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Entertainment


20 May 2008
Dee Dee Needs submissions!! Plus Chat tonight!!

Shipmates, Soldiers, Marines, Coasties, Airmen, Vets, Parents, Spouses, Significant others.. (Could not think of what to call you, ?? Come up with a better term please!) 😉

Chat tonight from 2100-2300 EST in our Scuttlebutt Chat area in our forums. You have to be logged in to access this area, (Logged into the forums.) to access the area. There will be plenty of camaraderie.. Come join us won’t you?

DeeDee our Newsletter editor could use some submissions and needs them ASAP for May’s Newsletter. She wants to get them out prior to Monday so please if you’re “GOING TO COMMIT, PLEASE SUBMIT!” Email them to Editor@corpsman.com . Remember this is Memorial Day, if you have a special something to say for this date, please send it to us and we will include it in our newsletter.

And last but “NOT” least, we are Taping our Podcast live tomorrow (WED) @ 2:30 EST, 1:30 CST, 12:30 MTN, and 11:30 PST. Go to our Corpsman.com Live page and you can listen to us bumble our way through the Netcast. I have a Co-host this week, “0311_DoC” who will join me for about a hour of hilarity..

All the Best!



2 Responses to “Corpsman.com Chat Tuesday Night (TONIGHT) from 2100-2300 EST & May Newsletter info”
  1. 0311_DoC says:

    i have sent in a few items to admin1 and editor 🙂

  2. 0311_DoC says:

    i have sent in a few items to admin1 and editor 🙂